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考试网   2019-02-15   【



  1. 我已经戒掉睡前吸烟的坏习惯,再也不用听妻子不断地发牢骚了。(give up)

  2. 与其他同龄人不同的是,他迷恋京剧。(set apart from; be addicted to)

  3. 她对他用情至深,愿意克服任何障碍与他结婚。(so that; obstacle)

  4. 只是在考试成绩出来之后,我才意识到必须更加刻苦才能不落后。(only; keep up with)

  5. 作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。(miracle)

  6. 您无需担心,男士是不允许进入这个房间的。(need; allow sb. to do sth.)

  7. 如果要我在上大学还是去工作两者间选择,我会选择前者而非后者。(instead of)

  8. 尽管说明书上说“一次吃一片”,他还是一下子吃了三片。(in spite of; at a time)


  1. Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime, I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time.

  2. What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Beijing Opera.

  3. She is so much in love with him that she’s ready to overcome any obstacle to marry him.

  4. Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others.

  5. As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.

  6. You don’t need to worry. Men are not allowed to get into this room.

  7. If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter.

  8. In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once.
