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来源:考试网   2012-01-05   【

Harp on the past instead of focusing on the present.


      Some people spend their lives living in the past.  They lament about what has been, what they could have done, and why they didn't do that.  However, the past is the past, and no matter how much time we spend thinking and lamenting about it, it doesn't change anything.  To spend time moping about what has been is to waste the person you can be.


      There were times in the past when I wondered how things would have been if I did X instead of Y.  Or if I did Z instead of Y.  However, after that I'd ask myself, "How would this change anything?"  Me sitting here and thinking about the past does absolutely nothing to change things and improve my life.  Instead, it is only by thinking forward and taking action that I'm able to live a truly fulfilling life.


      What kind of future do you want to create? What actions can you take to create this ideal future?  What have you learned from the past that will help you in this journey?  Asking and acting on questions like these will help you to maximize your present moment so you can live your best life going forward.  For some practical guidance on living in the present, I recommend The Power of Now.

      你想要什么样的未来?你想做些什么来得到这个理想生活?你从过去得到了什么教训可以助你一路前行?探索并实践这样的问题,就会帮助你延伸当下的一刻,你会向前并得到美好的生活。如果想得到更多关于如何活在当下的建议,请参阅《The Power of Now》一书。
