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来源:考试网   2011-09-01   【

       One in five graduates earns less than a person who left school with as little as one A-level. The official figures raise doubts that thousands of students have wasted their time with 'useless' degrees.


      On average, the Office for National Statistics says that a person with a degree or higher academic qualification, such as a PhD, earns £16.10 an hour. By comparison, a person who got at least one A level, or an equivalent qualification, typically earns £10 an hour. But 20 percent of graduates earn less than £10 an hour, the amount they would have earned without a degree. The figure could be even worse in reality because the ONS did not include graduates who are unemployed or who have never worked.

      英国国家统计局称,一个拥有大学以上学历的人,比如博士,平均每小时赚16.1英镑。相比之下,一个参加过中学高级水平考试或学历相当的人,一般每小时挣10英镑。 但是20%的英国大学毕业生每小时的薪水还不足10英镑,这点工资就算他们没有大学学历也能赚到。 现实的情况可能更糟,因为国家统计局并没有把那些失业的或没工作过的大学毕业生统计在内。

      The study also said the proportion of graduates doing low-skilled, badly-paid work has quadrupled to 2.3 percent since 1993. Many of these end up doing jobs which require little or no training such as hotel porter, postman, cleaner or catering assistant. Business groups have repeatedly warned that employers are turning their backs on graduates.

      该研究还称,从事低技能、低薪水工作的大学毕业生比例相比1993年的2.3%翻了两番。他们中的很多人最后都从事了一些几乎不用或根本不用培训的工作,如酒店门房、邮递员、清洁工或是餐饮助理。商业团体反复警告说大学毕业生正被雇主们拒之门外。 A recent report from the British Chambers of Commerce said too many graduates have "fairly useless degrees in non-serious subjects". Phil McCabe from the Forum of Private Business said: "The value of a degree is dwindling." Tanya de Grunwald, founder of Graduate Fog.co.uk, a website for job-seeking graduates, said many are devastated by the salaries they are offered. She said: "Finally, the figures from the ONS back up what our graduates have been saying – that they are just not getting the quality of job that they thought their degree would lead to. People say that a graduate typically earns £26,000, but this doesn't reflect the reality. Many of them are just scraping the barrel."
