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来源:考试网   2016-01-16   【


  1.四项均为by…and by…结构的短语。












  【解析】题干问新生大会将在哪里举行。当男士问起有关新生大会的事情时,女士说道:“会议将于5点半在公共礼堂举行,在一楼走廊的另一端尽头。”可见正确的地点是在the Common Room,答案为B。

  Conversation Two

  M: How are your new neighbors, Nancy?

  W: They seem nice enough, but they have a son who's driving me crazy.

  M: What do you mean?

  W: [22] He comes home every night around 10 with his car windows rolled down and radio blaring. [23] It stops as soon as he turns the car off. But by then Brian and Lisa are wide awake.

  M: Oh, no.

  W: Oh, yes. Sometimes it takes us till midnight just to get them settle down again.

  M: Have you tried talking to them?

  W: [24] We haven't even really met them except to say a quick hello. I hate to get off on the wrong foot.

  M: You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on simmering.

  W: I know, but I feel stupid complaining. It's not as though he's blasting his stereo all night.

  M: You said yourself it is driving you crazy.

  W: Well, you know how early I have to get up to be here at the office. I'm just not getting enough sleep and neither are the kids. They're so irritable when I get home in the afternoon.

  M: [25]Maybe you could go over sometime with a little gift: a plant for the yard or something. Then you could ask about their son, whether they have any other children and they'll he sure to ask about yours.

  W: Yeah and then what?

  M: Then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to get sleep at night.

  W: And keeping them in the sleep.

  M: That's the idea, and you should do it soon. The longer you wait, the harder it'll be to do politely.

  22. What bothers Nancy about her neighbor's son?

  23. When does the noise stop?

  24. Why is Nancy reluctant to speak to her neighbors about the problem?

  25. What suggestion does Nancy's friend make?












  1.四项均以she开头,其中两项后接is afraid,一项接doesn't want,一项接knows。



  【解析】题干问女士为什么不愿意去找邻居谈谈她的困扰,女士在对话中说道:“我们除了匆匆打过一次招呼之外还没有真正地互相认识。而且我讨厌一开始就给人留下不好的印象。”故选A。原文中的get off on the wrong foot是习语。意为“一开始就不成功,一开头就不顺利”。



  1.四项均以对话中女士的名字开头(Nancy should…)。

  2.四项均含有her neighbors。



  Section B

  Passage One


  [26] Are electric cars the way of the future? Automobile manufacturers are under pressure to develop cars that do not pollute. One powerful motive is a California law requiring that by the year 2010 ten percent of new car sales in the state be so-called zero-emission vehicles. These cars must put no pollutants whatsoever into

  the atmosphere. California is a huge market for the automobile companies, so they are working hard to meet these standards. [27]So far the electric car seems to be the best alternative. So the big advantage of electric cars is

  that they don't pollute. However, they will be in competition with gas-powered cars and that's where the weaknesses come out. The big problem is that the batteries that power electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver. For instance, in one prototype electric car, [28] the batteries weighed 400 kilograms. And they provide enough energy to go 250 kilometers before recharging, which takes eight hours.

  Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient conventional car, it can go 600 to 700 kilometers on a tank of gas and refilling takes just minutes. If there are other drains on an electric car's batteries besides the motor, headlights, air-conditioning or a heater, its already limited range will be significantly reduced. So automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would increase the cars' range and make them more attractive to buyers.

  26. What is the talk mainly about?

  27. What is the main advantage of electric cars over gas-powered cars?

  28. What is the main drawback of the electric car?


  快速浏览各题选项,根据electric cars、fuel efficiency、pollution、automobile、pollute、drive、faster、go long distances、recharging、steer、engine等关键词推测,该短文与电动汽车以及其优势有关,因为选项中涉及“不会产生污染”,当然还可能与其不足或劣势有关(根据第28题的选项预测)。



  【解析】短文开头开门见山,直入主题:“Are electric cars the way of the future?(电动车会成为未来的主流交通工具吗?)”如果听到此句时没有抓住主题,后面还有机会,因为整篇文章就是围绕electric cars的优势和劣势展开的。故选A。




  2.四项都涉及优势(cheaper,do not pollute,simpler,faster)。






  2.四项都涉及缺点或劣势(not comfortable,cannot go long,difficult,overheats)。



  Passage Two


  Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this series on "Survival in the Outer Space". [29]Tonight I'm going to talk about one of the most basic aspects of survival: the space suit. When most of you imagine astronaut, that's probably the first thing that comes to mind, right? Well, without space suit it will not be

  possible for us to survive in space. For example, 30 outer space is a vacuum. There's no gravity or air pressure. Without protection, a body would explode. What's more, we cook in the sun or freeze in the shade with temperatures ranging from a toasty 300 degrees above to a cool 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. The space suit that NASA has developed is truly a marvel. 31 This photo enlargement here is a life size image of an actual space suit worn by astronauts on the last space shuttle mission. This part is the torso. It is made of seven extremely durable layers. This thick insulation protects against temperature extremes and radiation. Next is what they call a bladder of oxygen. That's an inflatable sack filled with oxygen to simulate atmosphere pressure. This bladder presses against the body with the same force as the earth atmosphere at sea level. The innermost layers provide liquid cooling and ventilation. Despite all the layers the suit is flexible, allowing free movement, so we can work. Another really sophisticated part of the space suit is the helmet. I brought one along to show you.

  29. What's the speaker's main purpose?

  30. What would cause an unprotected human body to explode in the outer space?

  31. What does the speaker show the audience as she describes the different parts of space suit?





  【解题思路】四项均为名词短语,其中三项与太空中的独特条件(air pressure,temperature,radiation)有关,可能考查宇航服的某种设计原理。




  【解析】短文后面部分提到:“这张放大版的照片是一个实物大小的宇航服照片,上一次执行太空任务的宇航员所穿的就是这套宇航服。”接着,讲话者介绍了宇航服各个组成部分。picture是对原文中photo enlargement的同义转述,故选C。

  Passage Three


  Last week I told you about how the body uses vitamin C and foods that contain vitamin C, such as oranges and tomatoes. [32] Now I want to discuss vitamin D which is important to human nutrition because it helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium as you know is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D deficiency an lead to serious bone diseases. E33] So in the United States it is added to milk, a staple food in most people's diet. Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. That's because the body requires sunlight in order to make use of it. Here's how it works: [34] when ultraviolet rays from the sun strike the vitamin D in our skin, the sunlight converts vitamin D to its active form and a substance called calciferol is produced.Calciferol is what carries the calcium to our bones. [34] [35]If our bodies are not exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun we cannot convert vitamin D to its active form, and thus cannot make use of any of the calcium

  that we have consumed in our food. Eventually we would suffer from a calcium deficiency and have weak bones.Luckily it takes only 10 to 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight a day to ensure sufficient vitamin D production.Except in extremely atmospheric conditions like very heavy smog or a sunless climate, most people are able to get enough exposure to the sun. Doctors recommend that people who don't drink much milk take vitamin supplements and that everyone spend at least 10 minutes in the sun every day.

  32. Why is vitamin D important?

  33. In the United States, what is the main source of vitamin D for most people?

  34. What is necessary to convert vitamin D to its active form?

  35. According to the speaker what might happen to the people who stay indoors all the time?






  【解析】题干问为什么维生素D非常重要,我们可以在短文开头处找到线索。讲话者提到:“Now I want to discuss Vitamin D which is important to human nutrition because it helps the body to absorb calcium.(现在我要讲的是对人体健康很重要的维生素D,因为它能够帮助人体吸收钙。)”故选c。
