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考试网   2015-06-10   【

  Part Ⅳ



  ?S1.【参考答案】Because there’re numerous sounds around us.


  ?【详细解答】 此题在第一段中能找到答案。即“We are so assaulted by sound that wecontinually turn off.”。但回答应具体化,不能照般原话。根据第一段的内容可知“Our world is filled with sounds.”,因此可把“assaulted by sound”更换成“numerous sounds around us”就更直接,更具体。

  ?S2.【参考答案】our mood changes。

  ? 【解题技巧】利用原文现有词重组答案。

  【详细解答】 从第二段最后一句可知脚步的节奏能揭示一个人的年纪和情绪的变化。可见脚步节奏会随着我们心情的变化而变化。解答时借用“mood”这一关键词。由于as后要接从句,“mood”后的谓语就可用我们熟悉的“change”,而无须用vary, 以避免照搬原话之嫌。


  ?【详细解答】 在第三段中提及各种声音,要仔细数清楚,不能遗漏。这六种声音分别是:logs, brooms, drawer, chair, window, kitchen所发出的声音。

  ?S4.【参考答案】Practice helps improve our sense of hearing.

  ? 【解题技巧】 概括段落大意时,尽可能利用原文中现有的词。

  ?【详细解答】 第四段的第一句说明听觉是可以提高的。下文接着说可以通过培养来提高听觉。在后面的例子中,作者证实了这一点。因此这两段的主要意思是可以通过训练,提高听觉。在这两段中分别出现了“the sense of hearing”,“restored”,“cultivation”,“practice”,可以利用这些词来组织答案。

  ?S5.【参考答案】pleasure and information.

  ?【详细解答】 此题找不到现存的答案,需要进行总结,从第一段最后一句可知如果我们对周围的声音充耳不闻,我们便无法享受声音所带来的种种乐趣。从第二段可知声音是社会现实的一个层面,能揭示人的心情等,且倒数第二句:“…voice that informs”说明声音能提供信息。从第三段的第一句可知声音还能给人安慰、是令人愉快的。最后一段则说明没了声音,人们会感到紧张,与现实隔绝。总而言之,声音能提供快乐信息和安慰,安慰可并入愉悦之内,因为令人高兴当然会令人感到安慰。因此推导出答案为Pleasure and information,如果加上comfort也可以。?

  Part Ⅴ


  ?这是一篇议论文,要求照提纲要求来展开论述。内容涉及到阅读的两种途径,一种是选择性阅读,另一种是博览群书,要求学生分别阐述存在两种不同读书态度的原因 ,也即两种途径各自的优势或不足之处,并在此基础上,阐明自己的观点。在范文中,先借读书有益引入话题,指出存在两种不同的态度。第二段先介绍支持第一种态度人的观点,通过“for one thing”和“for another”把两点原因紧密联系起来。第三段再介绍第二种读书途径的必要性和长处。最后以“In my opinion”引出作者自己的看法。此时作者采取折衷态度,强调要博览选择后的好书,使自己立于不败之地。

  Sample Writing

  Reading Selectively or Extensively?

  ?Now, it is generally accepted that reading is very important. But when it comes to how to read, there has sprung up a heated discussion as to whether we should read selectively or extensively.

  ?Those who are in favor of the idea of reading selectively believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts. For one thing, living in an age when much time has to be taken by work and other activities, people are unable to find enough time to read extensively even if they intend to. For an other, some books are harmful and therefore the choice of books can never be overlooked.

  ?However, those who insist on reading extensively argue that it is through reading extensively that we obtain most of our knowledge. Now branches of knowledge diverge into each other rather than isolated from each other. Only when one goes beyond his own field and read widely can he really make remarkable achievements in his study. In addition, the most valuable gifts bestowed by reading extensively are experience, broad view and wisdom.

  ?In my opinion, we should read both selectively and extensively. That is to say , upon reading, we have to first distinguish good books from indecent ones. But to the former, there is no such things as too many in reading.
