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来源:考试网   2011-05-23   【

Social scientists who have studied adult sibling relationships say it is common for them to blow hot and cold. Situations that might be expected to bring them together—the birth of a child, the illness or death of a parent—are well known for reviving old rivalries.

Instead of uniting in their concern for an ill parent, siblings often quarrel bitterly over who provides the most care, financial support or affection, according to Victor Cicirelli, a Purdue University Psychologist. And probate (遗嘱检验) lawyers say the bitterest quarrels erupt when siblings have to divide a parent's personal property.

The break between Jill and Patty might have been closed by now if Jill's husband hadn't been so quick to take his wife's side. "If spouses want to be constructive when siblings quarrel, they need to remain emotionally neutral," Bank advises. "It's a line to be supportive, provided they remember the goal is to help their mates be more objective and not inflame feelings further. "

As they get older, many adults say they wish they were on better terms with brothers or sisters. In the next breath, however, they add that it's probably impossible. "We always get hung up on the same old sore points" is a familiar lament (悲伤).

"That needn't be true," says Bank. "Almost any relationship can be improved if people are willing to put energy into making it more satisfying.

People must recognize that their childhood rivalries are left over from a struggle that was very likely the fault of neither. If they can see that, it will help them to stop feeling guilty or blaming each other the way they did at age twelve. "

Siblings often hesitate to disclose long-concealed feelings of anger or jealousy, inferiority or guilt. But after these feelings are brought out, there's a much better chance to improve the relationship.

" Speaking out honestly about rivalrous feelings is the first step," says Bank. "But it's essential to get beyond accusations and talk positively about what each might do to improve things. " People often don't let their siblings know how much they care, Bank adds. "Don't be afraid to say, 'I really love you,'" he advises. "And show your affection—a hug, a compliment or a thoughtful gift can heal a lot of wounds. "

When siblings can get past their rivalries, they may find they are bound by closer, longer—lasting ties than those with any other person in their lives. I'm deeply thankful that my sister and I are friends, although we've also seen each other through rough times in ways no one else could. Someday, she may be the only person I know who remembers a long-ago Christmas or laughs at the same jokes. I don't think I'll even mind if she tells me I'm putting on weight.

1. According to the passage, competition between siblings plays a powerful role in the sibling relationships in one's entire life.
2. When siblings have grown up, they will easily forget their childhood rivalries and be on better terms with each other.
3. The way parents treat their children affects, to a great extent, sibling relationships.
4. The author and her sister are friendly with each other because their parents always treat them even-handedly.
5. There are little rivalries between the siblings who are close, supportive and affectionate.
6. Parental favoritism and a belief that the other is superior may trigger childhood competition which may last even at adulthood.
7. It is beneficial to sibling relationships if a husband shows support to his wife when she quarrels with her sister.
8. Sally's attitude when Joan had a baby is______.
9. Self-disclosure brings  to better the______.
10. The more you put______ on the relationship, the more satisfying it will be.

I. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. NG 5. N 6. Y 7. N 8. uninterested 9. sibling relationship 10. energy 
