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来源:考试网   2012-11-17   【


  Rambling Sentences and the ubiquitous "and"



  Rambling: The plane was ready to take off; having never traveled by plane before he suddenly felt nervous as the sky ominously turned from gray to black, and threatening bolts of lightning shot across the sky, and thunder echoed in the distance. 考试网(www.Examw。com)

  Better: The plane was ready to take off. He had never traveled by plane and suddenly felt nervous as the sky turned ominously from gray to black. Threatening bolts of lightening shot across the sky, and thunder echoed in the distance.

  Rambling: We regret to inform you that inclement weather conditions in our area have caused us to reschedule all deliveries for the month of February so that we must also reschedule shipment of your order to February 16.

  Better: I’m sorry to let you know that a winter storm will delay shipment of your order until February 16.

  松散句经常有很多"and"。在口语中,尚可多用几个"and" 但若过多地出现在书面英语中,则令人难以接受。取代"and"的方法是改用逗号或从属结构,或者干脆省略。

  Plain: The Governor of Hong Kong descended the long and winding staircase.

  Interesting: The Governor of Hong Kong descended the long, winding staircase.

  Plain: My grandparents spent long summer hours under the old, tall and shady tree in the courtyard.

  Interesting: My grandparents spent long summer hours under the old, tall, shady tree in the courtyard.
