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来源:考试网   2016-09-23【

  There have been reports recently that residents of a community in Shanghai opposed the construction of a care home for the elderly near the community, because it might have a negative effect on their house prices. It's a typical social conflict that reflects the "not-in-my-backyard" attitude.

  “邻避效应”可以用not in my backyard表示,指居民或当地单位因担心建设项目,如垃圾场、nuclear power plant、funeral home等设施,对身体健康、环境质量和资产价值等带来诸多负面影响,从而激发人们的嫌恶情结,滋生“不要建在我家后院”的心理,及采取的强烈和坚决的、有时高度情绪化的集体反对甚至抗争行为。

  人们了解建设这些public facilities的必要性,但是因为担心污染、威胁健康、导致asset depreciation而反对在社区附近建设这些项目。随着经济社会的发展和权利意识的提升,邻避效应只会越来越严重。这其中有一个conflicts between interests and risks,化解之道就是make the decision-making and implementation processes fully transparent,利益分配的公平与平等。在颇具争议的公共设施开始建设之前,应该与民众沟通、the timely release of information,对利益受损的个人,应该给予adequate compensation。


  1、nuclear power plant

  2、funeral home

  3、public facilities

  4、asset depreciation

  5、conflicts between interests and risks

  6、make the decision-making and implementation processes fully transparent

  7、the timely release of information

  8、adequate compensation

  9、There have been reports recently that residents of a community in Shanghai opposed the construction of a care home for the elderly near the community, because it might have a negative effect on their house prices. It's a typical social conflict that reflects the "not-in-my-backyard" attitude.


  1、nuclear power plant 核电厂

  2、funeral home 殡仪馆

  3、public facilities 公共设施

  4、asset depreciation 资产减值

  5、conflicts between interests and risks 利益的博弈和风险分担的问题

  6、make the decision-making and implementation processes fully transparent 要保障决策、实施过程的透明公开

  7、the timely release of information 及时公布信息

  8、adequate compensation 适当的补偿

  9、There have been reports recently that residents of a community in Shanghai opposed the construction of a care home for the elderly near the community, because it might have a negative effect on their house prices. It's a typical social conflict that reflects the "not-in-my-backyard" attitude.近日,有报道称上海一小区居民反对在小区附近建养老院,因为养老院可能会造成房价下跌。这样的社会冲突属于典型的“邻避效应”。

责编:ZCF 评论 纠错


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