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来源:考试网   2012-10-14【



  China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development.


  Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony.

  这种用she(her)指国家和船只的用法由来已久,现在指国家,倒是用it(its)的较为多见。Michael Swan所着Practical English Usage 《英语用法指南》第227条对这一问题作了详细的说明。


  例10.Everyone must accept their share of the blame. (见share条)

  例11.Should anyone call (= if anyone calls), please tell them I’m busy. (见should条)

  例12.Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. (见entitle条)

  用they指单数就可避免he or she之类的累赘说法。上述《英语用法指南》第505条也对这一问题作了详细的说明。

  以上谈了代词的用法。其实,避免重复的办法很多,也不限于使用代词。中 华 考 试 网

  英国语言学家Randolph Quirk等四位学者合编的A Grammar of Contemporary English 在关于Substitution一节中指出:不仅名词短语可以有代称,状语、谓语乃至宾语从句,都可以有代称。该书把用作代称的替代词统称为pro-forms。书中举了许多例子,如:

  We saw John at eight on Monday evening. We told him then that we would be coming to the party.

  Look in the top drawer. You’ll probably find it there.

  A: John drives a car.         B: I think Bob does too.

  A: John drives a car.         B: So does Bob.

  Oxford is likely to win the next boat race. All my friends say so. (= that Oxford is likely to win the next boat race)

  以上例子中的then,there,does,so does,so都可以说是pro-forms。

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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