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来源:考试网   2017-02-11【

  除经济因素外,摩天大楼过于密集造成的光污染、气旋等问题都引发争议,如果3幢摩天大楼比肩而立,附近马路上的行人走过,会不会因为形成风洞而发生危险?此外,2001年的“9·11”事件也让人担心,一旦浦东崛起两座甚至3座摩天大楼,会不会成为恐怖分子的目标?一旦发生飞机撞击以及火灾等意外,在大楼上的人是否能够安全撤离?《上海“世界第一高楼”复工 专家六问其可行性》

  Skyscrapers are also challenged, besides people’s consideration of the financial factors, for such problem as the possible light pollution and cyclone resulting from the high density of high building at the same place. Will the wind tunnel formed there endanger the passers-by when 3 skyscrapers are built side by side? In addition, people are also worrying about the potential attacks from the terrorists to the 2 to 3 new skyscrapers in Pudong after the September 11th terrorist attack to the USA. Will the people in the buildings will withdraw in time in event of such accidents as air collision or fire.

责编:liujianting 评论 纠错


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