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来源:考试网   2016-10-13【



  China’s government restructuring campaign, animportant part of political reform in China, has beenformally staged. Restructuring governmentinstitutions is urgently needed to deepen theeconomic restructuring and promote economic andsocial development in China. It constitutes an important aspect of the reform of the stateleadership system and a necessity in bringing the government closer to the people.


  The basic framework of current government institutions was formed gradually during thetime when the country’s economy was predominantly a planned one. Although China hasadjusted and reformed government institutions on many occasions and made some progressin government restructuring since its implementation of reform and opening policies, manyproblems have not been fundamentally solved due to the restrictions imposed by historicalconditions and general environment. Consequently, the incompatibilities of governmentinstitutions with the development of a socialist market economy have become increasinglyapparent. The following problems are most conspicuous in this regard:

  第一, 政府机构重叠庞大,人浮于事的现象严重,这不仅滋生官僚主义和文牍主义,主张贪污腐败和不正之风,也给国家财政造成了沉重的负担。

  First, a bloated size and unwieldy organization of government institutions with overlappingfunctions and serious overstaffing have given rise to bureaucracy and red tape, bredcorruption, promoted unhealthy practices, and created a heavy financial burden on the state.

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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