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来源:考试网   2020-12-28【

  【每日一词】中国交通的可持续发展 Sustainable Development of Transport in China

  军事职业教育 military professional education

  新时代的中国能源发展 Energy in China's New Era

  种子和耕地问题 problems related to seeds and farmlands

  需求侧改革 demand-side reform



  Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste, and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments, according to the draft law.


  The draft law requires catering service providers to guide consumers to order food in accordance with their actual needs. Their menus should include more information and offer different dish sizes, it said.



  草案还明确,禁止制作、传播宣扬量大多吃、暴饮暴食(excessive eating)等浪费食品的节目或者音视频信息。违反规定的,由管理部门责令整改,给予警告;拒不改正,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。



  请看相关报道:As the nation's economy and power continue to grow, Chinese people are getting taller, but they are also putting on weight at a worrisome rate, according to the report.报告指出,随着我国经济和实力的增长,居民身高持续增长,但体重也以令人忧心的速度增加。

  According to the report, 34.3 percent of adult Chinese are overweight and 16.4 percent are obese.报告指出,18岁及以上居民超重率和肥胖率分别为34.3%和16.4%。

  The average height of Chinese people aged 18 to 44 has increased to 169.7 centimeters for males and 158 cm for females, thanks to an increased intake of high-quality protein, such as dairy products, seafood and poultry, according to the report.报告显示,由于乳制品、海鲜和禽肉等高质量蛋白的摄入增加,我国18至44岁的男性和女性平均身高分别增加到169.7厘米和158厘米。

  According to the report, the daily per capita intake of salt and cooking oil of Chinese people is far higher than the recommended portion of five grams of salt and 43.2 grams of cooking oil.报告指出,我国人均每日盐油摄入量均远远高于每日5克盐和43.2克油的健康推荐量。

  Nearly 20 percent of middle and high school students regularly consume sugary drinks, it added.近20%的中学生经常喝含糖饮料。

  The report said that less than one in four adults work out at least once a week.每周至少锻炼一次的成年人不到四分之一。


  CATTI 常考知识:地区名称双语汇总



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