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来源:考试网   2015-11-16【

  (Mongolian) yurt 蒙古包

  inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭

  the forest of steles, tablet forest 碑林

  Taoist temple 道观

  hall 殿

  beacon tower 烽火台

  drum tower 鼓楼

  ornamental column 华表

  corridor 回廊

  altar 祭坛

  rockery 假山

  watchtower 角楼

  corridor 廊

  pailou, decorated archway 牌楼

  bridge 桥

  stone boat 石舫

  grotto 石窟

  pavilion on the water 水榭

  pagoda; tower 塔

  terrace 台

  altar 坛

  pavilion 亭阁

  bell tower 钟楼

  pillar, column, post 柱

  emperor's mausoleum/tomb 陵墓

  major cultural heritage 重要文化遗产

  outstanding folk arts 优秀民间艺术

  cultural relics 文物

  Chinese knot 中国结

  Cheongsam 旗袍

  traditional Chinese garments (clothing), Tang suit 中山装

  cloisonné 景泰蓝

  royal court envoy 朝廷使者

  men of letter 文人

  refined scholar 雅士

  culture industry 文化产业

  cultural deposit 文化底蕴

  cultural undertaking 文化事业

  cross-cultural communication 文化交流

  culture shock 文化冲突

  national culture 民族文化

  folk culture 民间文化

  urban culture 城镇文化

  rural culture 乡村文化

  native culture 当地文化

  performing art 表演艺术

  popular art, pop art 现代流行艺术

  high art 纯艺术

  refined art 高雅艺术

  cinematographic art 电影艺术

  theatrical art 戏剧艺术

  male (the positive male role) 生(男性正面角色)

  female (the positive female role) 旦(女性正面角色)

  a supporting male role with striking character 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)

  a clown or a negative role 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)

  painted role 花脸

  monodrama; one-man show 独角戏

  musical 歌舞喜剧

  shtick 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头

  skit 滑稽短剧

责编:stone 评论 纠错


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