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来源:考试网   2014-07-22【



  ■1. Between two tall gate-posts of rough-hewn stone (the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch).

  [译文] 路口园门的门拱不知在哪一年掉下来了,可是两座粗石雕成的门柱还巍然矗立着。

  [分析] 原文中只有at some unknown epoch凸现古屋之古,译文中用到“门拱不知在哪一年掉下来了”,再用“门柱还巍然矗立着”加以照应,表达了怀旧的情绪。充分体现了原文的表情功能。

  2. The wheel-track leading to the door, as well as the whole breadth of the avenue, was almost overgrown with grass, affording dainty mouthfuls to two or three vagrant crows and an old white horse who had his own living to pick up along the roadside.

  [译文] 园门里的林荫大路和宅门前的马车道,杂草蔓生,偶尔有两三只乌鸦飞来,随意啄食,在路旁觅食的那头老白马,也可以在这里吃到几口可口的美餐。

  [分析] 这一段的描写中作者对小镇的田园风光的热爱之情溢于言表,文中场景中的几个重要形象是overgrown with grass, two or three vagrant crows, an old white horse who had his own living。在译者笔下突出了他们“蔓生”、“随意”、“在路旁”等特点,译者用自己创造性的笔触再现了小镇美好的田园风光,表达了作者对小镇的亲切之情。

  3. Those ordinary abodes which stand so imminent upon the road that every passer-by can thrust his head, as it were, into the domestic circle.

  [译文] 通常贴近路旁的住宅屋子,看上去总是亲切近人,行人路过,似乎觉得伸进头去即可看到家庭融洽之乐。

  [分析] 原文中提到every passer-by can thrust his head, as it were, into the domestic circle.具体描述普通人家与古屋不同的气象。古屋有一种远离尘世的圣洁,而普通人家包含每个人都体验过的情感,特别亲切。译文用了“家庭融洽之乐”虽未能表达the domestic circle的全部外延信息,但它比这一抽象词语更具体,其所给人情感上的联想更能表达原作者的情感状态。

  4. From these quiet windows the figures of passing travelers looked too remote and dim to disturb the sense of privacy.

  [译文] 这里的环境十分幽静,从窗子望出去,一片静穆,即使有人路过,也像是模模糊糊,隔了一个世界,不足以扰乱宅内宁静。

  [分析] 原文quiet, remote and dim表现了古屋环境幽深、圣洁的氛围,译文中为渲染这一情感,用了“十分幽静”、“一片静穆”、“模模糊糊、隔了一个世界”等,加强了这种情感的表现力度,突出了原文的主题。

  5. Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged. Her beauty, her pink cheeks, and golden curls, seemed to give delight to all who looked at her, and to purchase indemnity for every fault.

  [译文1] 乔治亚娜有被宠坏了的脾气,有非常毒辣的恶意,有吹毛求疵的傲慢态度,却受到普遍的宽容。她的美,她的微红的面颊和金色的卷发,似乎使所有看她的人都欢喜,而且一切缺陷人家都不计较了。

  [译文2] 乔治安娜脾气给惯坏了,凶狠毒辣,吹毛求疵,蛮横无礼,大家都却纵容她。她的美丽,她的红喷喷的脸蛋和金黄色的卷发,似乎叫看着她的人都感到愉快,都能因此而原谅她的每一个缺点。

  [分析] 原文这段语言在描写Georgiana的个性特点时,是怀着一种不满和厌恶的情绪,这种情感因素在译文二中得到了很好的体现。译文一却没有完整转换,was universally indulged被“受到普遍的宽容”所代替,to purchase indemnity for every fault 则被转换为“一切缺陷人家都不计较了”,这样的结果使乔治安娜由一个蛮横无礼的女孩变成了一个可怜的小女孩了。


  ■Try to translate the following paragraph, and tell your team members how you reconstruct the beauty of the prose in target language.

  ■…had I been merely a lover of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification, for on no country had the charms of nature been more prodigally lavished. Her mighty lakes; her oceans of liquid silver; her mountains with their bright aerial tints; her valleys teeming with wild fertility; her tremendous cataracts thundering in their solitudes; her boundless plains waving with spontaneous verdure; her broad deep rivers rolling in solemn silence to the ocean; her trackless forests where vegetation puts forth all its magnificence; her skies kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine…

  ■……而如果我的爱好仅限于妍丽景物的追逐,则快心悦目,尽可以无须远求,因为纯以大自然的妩媚而论,此邦却可谓得天独厚,世罕其俦。试想她那银波荡漾,与海相若的浩瀚湖面;那晴光耀眼,顶作天青的巍峨群山;那粗犷而富饶盈衍的峡岸溪谷;那雷鸣般喧嚣于寂静之中的巨大飞瀑急湍;那绿色葱茏,好风阵阵的无际平原;那庄严静谧,滚滚入海的深广江流;那万木争荣,无径可循的茂密森林;那夏云丽日,诡谲幻变的灿烂天空 ……

责编:stone 评论 纠错


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