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来源:考试网   2010-12-14【

More than half the world’s richest self-made women are Chinese, thanks partly to the availability of cheap childcare, according to the Hurun Report, which compiles information on the wealthiest Chinese.
据《胡润百富》(Hurun Report)报告称,全世界最富有的白手起家的女性超过半数是中国人,这在一定程度上得益于中国价格低廉的托儿服务。《胡润百富》专门编制中国富豪榜单。
  The world’s three richest women are Chinese – as are 11 of the top 20 – according to the Hurun List of Self-Made Women Billionaires, published today.
根据今天发布的《胡润白手起家女富豪榜》(Hurun List of Self-Made Women Billionaires),全世界最富有女性的前三名都是中国人,而前20名中有11人是中国人。
  Zhang Yin, 53, the Chinese head of a recycled paper company, Nine Dragons Paper, ranks as the wealthiest self-made woman on earth with an estimated personal fortune of $5.6bn. Wu Yajun, 46, of Longfor Property, comes in second with $4.1bn and Chen Lihua, 69, of Fuhua International, a Hong Kong conglomerate, ranks third with $4bn.
中国再生纸公司玖龙纸业(Nine Dragons Paper)的张茵(53岁)成为全球白手起家的女首富,个人财富估计达到56亿美元。龙湖地产(Longfor Property)董事长吴亚军(46岁)以41亿美元的财富排名第二。第三位是香港富华国际集团(Fuhua International)董事长陈丽华(69岁),财富总额为40亿美元。
  The richest non-Chinese is Spaniard Rosalia Mera of Zara, the fashion house, with $3.5bn, and two others who made their fortunes in fashion: Doris Fisher for Gap is eighth and Giuliana Benetton of Benetton is 11th.
非中国籍女性中最富有的是西班牙人时装品牌Zara掌门人罗撒丽亚•麦拉(Rosalia Mera),财富总额达35亿美元。此外还有两位在时尚界白手起家的女富豪:Gap的杜丽斯•费舍尔(Doris Fisher),排名第八;贝纳通(Benetton)的朱丽安娜•贝纳通(Giuliana Benetton),排名第11。
  Oprah Winfrey, the US television show host, ranks ninth with $2.3bn.
美国电视节目主持人奥普拉•温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)以23亿美元资产排名第九。
  Nandani Lynton, of the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, identified political and social factors for making a scrap paper lady from China richer than the doyennes of Zara, Gap, Benetton and Ebay.
上海中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)教授南达尼•琳敦(Nandani Lynton)分析了中国废纸女王财富超过Zara、Gap、贝纳通以及Ebay女掌门人背后的政治与社会因素。
  “Mao made an incredible difference when he said women hold up half the sky, since then it has been assumed that all women in China will work,” Ms Lynton said.
  Chinese women are also among the most ambitious on earth, according to a study from the Centre for Work-Life Policy in New York, which found 76 per cent of women in China aspired to top jobs, compared with 52 per cent in the US.
纽约智囊机构工作生活政策中心(Centre for Work Life Policy)的一项研究显示,中国女性也是全球最有野心的女性。研究发现,中国76%的女性希望担任最高职位,而美国的比例只有52%。
  Working mothers in China and other Bric countries “are able to aim high, in part because they have more shoulders to lean on than their American and European peers when it comes to childcare”, the centre noted. With an average work week of 71 hours for Chinese women, cheap childcare is essential, and in China is often provided by grandparents – four for every only child.
  Nandani Lynton, of the China Europe International Business School, noted that it was not just the availability of cheap or free childcare but also the absence of any stigma attached to using it that helped Chinese women dominate the global rich lists.

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