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来源:考试网   2015-11-12【

  1. An epigram is usually defined being a bright or witty thought that is tersely and ingeniously expressed.

  A. as  B. as be  C. as been  D. to being

  2. Upon completing his examination over the patient, the doctor offered his judgment of her conditions.

  A. of  B. off  C. about  D. around

  3. If they spend some time on Chinese history, they will be more able to predict China’s future.

  A. more  B. able  C. better  D. better able

  4. When she returned back by abroad, she told us all about her experience as an illegal immigrant.

  A. by  B. back  C. from  D. back from

  5. He was looking impatient at the visiting salesman, who showed no signs of getting ready to leave.

  A. patient  B. patience  C. impatience  D. impatiently

  6. The recent conference on the effective use of the seas and ocean was another attempt resolving major differences among countries with conflicting interests.

  A. resolve  B. resolves  C. to resolve  D. being resolved

  7. Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people, and even for pets.

  A. before young, healthy persons available only,

  B. available only to young, healthy persons before,

  C. available only to persons young, but more healthy,

  D. before young and healthy persons only available to,

  8. Following a year of fast development, by the first quarter of this year, China has had about 1,100 e-commerce websites.

  A. China had about 1,100 e-commerce websites by the end of last March

  B. by the end of the first quarter of this year, China has had about 1,100 e-commerce websites

  C. by the end of this recent past March, China has about 1,100 e-commerce websites

  D. by the end of this first quarter, China had about 1,100 or so e-commerce websites

  9. Sino-foreign educational program on business is popular in China now, and the demand for high level interpretation is great.

  A. programs in enterprises / high level interpreters

  B. programs in international business / senior interpreters

  C. program in international biz / senior interpretations

  D. programs of business / high-level interpretations

  10. Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don’t have time.

  A. were against because they said they did not

  B. were against because they say they don’t

  C. were against it because they said they did not

  D. were against coming because they said they don’t

  11. While it is essential that the text covers the subject adequately, it is also important that it is neither too detailed or too complex for the intended reader.

  A. for  B. nor  C. no  D. not

  12. Consumer porcelains in Jingdezhen are not selling well in export market as compared with those made in Liling, Hunan Province and Zibo, Shandong Province.

  A. on export market

  B. in exporting market

  C. in exported market

  D. in the export market

  13. It is a market which sales value might be more than 10 billion yuan.

  A. a market with a sales value that might be

  B. a market which might be sales value

  C. a market with sale value might be

  D. market with sales might be a value

  14. As an English major student, I think business English is more practical than other fields.

  A. a English student / field

  B. a English major student / regions

  C. a English major / courses

  D. an English student major / sciences

  15. We should let more young parents and their children can enjoy scientific early education.

  A. provide more young parents and their children to enjoy early education

  B. provide more young parents and their children to enjoy early education and scientific

  C. provide young parents and their children enjoy more scientific early education

  D. provide young parents and their children with more early education services

  参考答案:1-5 AADCD 6-10 CBABC 11-15 BDACD

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