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来源:考试网   2014-09-28【

  1. He remained calm In the face of the impending danger.

  A. terrific B. trivial C. astonishing D. imminent

  2. “Holmes!” I whispered. “What on earth are you doing in this disgusting place?”

  A. humble B. unpleasant C. underprivileged D. noisy

  3. The futility of the program resulted from poor planning. A. possible failure in the future

  B. ineffectiveness and uselessness C. blindness to its mistakes D. potential disaster

  4. Construction of the gigantic office building in this city was for years intermittent

  A. stopping and starting at intervals B. something that will happen soon

  C. being watched with keen interest D. anything that comes and goes

  5. Although many modifications have been made in it, the game known in the United States as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby.

  A. rules B. changes C. demands D. leagues www.ExamW.CoM

     6. Your silence implies countenancing his abject behavior; therefore please clarify your stand to him.

  A. supporting B. obscuring C. concealing D. assisting

  7. The graduate committee must be in full accord in their approval of a dissertation.

  A. indecisive B. sullen C. vocal D. unanimous

  8. We regret being unable to entertain your request for providing free boarding to 15 sportsmen for two weeks.

  A. receive B. comply C. coincide D. consider

  9. Justices of the peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.

  A. superiority B. authority C. guidance D. consider

  10. One of the things we have to do to prevent a pandemic is to make sure people understand and know what they can do to minimize the commotion.

  A. command B. collusion C. turmoil D. tutelage

  11. One of the effective ways to lessen environmental pollution is the reservation and protection of more swamps.

  A. vast thick corals B. pockets of wet land C. warm volcanoes D.millions of bees and wasps

  12. The word “wrath” in The Grapes of Wrath by the Nobel prize winner John Steinbeck probably means:

  A. great anger B. large crowds C. hard labor D. sudden storms

  13. The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which covered the whole roof of the church, the biggest in the country.

  A. archaic B. sentimental C. outstanding D. entire

  14. The ancient Jewish people regarded themselves as the salt of the earth, the chosen few by God to rule the world.

  A. outcast B. elite C. nomad D. disciple

  15. Many of the electric and electronic products we purchase and consume today are what some industrial experts call “homogenous toys”.

  A. identical B. homosexual C.unrelated D. distinguishable

  答案:1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D  8. D 9. B1 0. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15 .A

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