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来源:考试网   2018-03-29【


  maritime resources 海洋资源

  mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让

  exchange of needed goods 互通有无

  fundamental rights 基本权利

  reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担

  Near East 近东

  right of residence 居留权

  arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商

  territorial sea 领海

  limits of territorial sea 领海范围

  breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度

  territorial air 领空

  territorial waters 领水

  inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性

  territorial jurisdict ion 领土管辖权

  territorial contiguity 领土毗连

  territorial integrity 领土完整

  refugee camp 难民营

  country of one's residence 侨居国

  complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器

  people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流

  sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯

  ecocide 生态灭绝

  practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use 实用,有效,廉价,方便

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
  • 职业资格
  • 医药考试
  • 外语考试
  • 学历考试