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来源:考试网   2017-06-24【



  The three sacred words “duty”, “honor” and “country” reverently dictate what you should be, what you can be, and what you will be. They urge you to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes abandoned. I am convinced that these words teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; not to substitute words for action; not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep, to reach into the future, yet never neglect the past; to be serious, yet never take yourself too seriously; to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength. In short, these words teach you to be both a militant fighter and a gentleman.


  “责任”、“荣誉”和“国家”这三个神圣的词庄严地责成你们应成为怎样的人,能成为怎样的人,将成为怎样的人。这三个词要求你们在失去勇气时鼓起勇气, 在失去信念时恢复信念,在失去希望时产生希望。我认为,这些词教导你们在真正失败时要自尊自爱、不屈不挠,在成功时要谦和,不要以言代行,不要寻求安逸, 而要面对困难和挑战的压力;要学会在风浪中傲然屹立,而对失败者应该予以同情;要有纯洁的心灵,要有崇高的目标;要能笑会哭;要走向未来,但不可忘记过 去;要为人持重,但不可自命不凡;要谦虚,这样就会记住真正的伟大在于纯朴,真正的智慧在于开明,真正的刚毅在于温柔。简而言之,这些词教导你们在成为一 名勇猛之士的同时,也要成为一位谦谦君子。

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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