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来源:考试网   2018-04-02【






  2007 年夏天,富营养物和其他污染导致蓝藻在太湖、巢湖、滇池发生了蓝藻“密集孽生”现象,影响了城市供水及水生产品生长。“密集孽生”最严重的是太湖东部。太湖是我国第三大淡水湖。这次“密集孽生”导致周边 100 多万居民供水问题长达 10 天之久。为了防止污染,当地环保部门关闭了 770 家化工厂。

  2008 年夏天,长期的温暖、干燥气候导致蓝藻在部分地区发生。9 月,一艘可以快速、有效地清除蓝藻的船在江苏省投入使用。


  Blue algae are a simple water-born plant that grows and thrives in rivers, lakes, wetlands,hot springs and on trunks. Cells of blue algae can multiply beyond a tipping point where resulting bloom discolors water body, triggers/breeds foams, gives off stinky smell, poses a deadly threat to shellfish and fish and leads to a sharp fall in water quality.

  In 2007, high concentration of nutrients and other pollutants triggered blue algae“eutrophication” in Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake and Dianchi Lake, disrupting water supply in neighboring cities and damaging aquatic farms.

  The worst hit was the eastern part of Taihu Lake, the third largest freshwater lake in China. The onset of water bloom suspended water supply to over 1 million residents for 10 days. Local environmental watchdogs/regulators dictated the closure of 770 chemical plants to prevent further pollution.

  The summer of 2008 saw much of China hit by blue algae bloom as a result of long-running spells of warm, dry weather. In September, a dedicated ship capable of removing the hazardous plant swiftly yet effectively was put to service in Jiangsu province.

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