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来源:考试网   2017-10-19【









  1.远程教育distance learning

  2.课堂教学classroom teaching

  3.时空限制barriers of time or space


  5.在职培训on-the-job training

  6.终身学习life-long learning

  7.电视现场直播live TV broadcast



  10.支持性技术supportive technology


  1.“开放性”此处指的是“可以让更多的人接受这种教育(available to more people)”,因此译为availability比较合适。


  主要起进一步说明的作用。译此部分时无需另起一句,可考虑用regardless of这一词组连接上下文,使整句话显得主次有序。

  3.此句若译成两个独立的句子会显得较为松散,可考虑用定语从句将两句合并为一,从而使整个句子的结构更为紧凑。如: “无法接受传统教育的学生”可译为non-traditional students,后面再用定语从句说明他们之所以不能接受传统教育的原因。

  4.“实时”此处指的是教师授课与学生听课的时间是同步的,译者可用意译的方法将这个意思译出来,也可用英语中的习语in real time来表示。

  5.如果既译出“学历教育”(degree program)和“非学历教育”(non-degree program),又译出后面的详细说明,整句话就显得冗长而又重复,因为二者所指的其实是一回事。可考虑将“学历教育”和“非学历教育”省去不译。如要译出“学历教育”和“非学历教育”,则可以采用定语从句的方式将这句话整合起来:a degree/non-degree program where one can get...


  7.万维网是Internet提供的一种扩充服务,是由无数的网页组合在一起的世界。通过万维网,我们可以查看Internet上的各种信息,包括文字、声音、图像、动画等。“万维网”是the World Wide Web、WWW或3W的汉语译文。


  9.电子公告板是普通公告的电子版本,用户可以通过公告牌发布消息,任何用户都可以读取公告牌上的消息,也可以给某一特定的人或一组用户发送信息。公告牌系统被广泛地用于传播信息,咨询一个电子公告牌往往比使用交互信箱或公共邮政系统发送公告更加快捷、有效。“电子公告板”通常译为electronic bulletin board。

  10.互联网接力聊天是一种多用户聊天设施,允许多个用户通过文字实时地与其它人聊天,可译为Internet Relay Chat (IRC)。



  Distance Learning

  Distance learning is a formal educational process that breaks the traditional mode of classroom teaching. There are two key differences between traditional education and distance learning.

  Distance learning adds flexibility and availability, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning.

  Here an instructor teaches, and somewhere else a student learns, regardless of barriers of time or place. Distance learning reaches out to non-traditional students who must fit their studies around workplace, family responsibilities, and geographical barriers, etc. Students can be at satellite campuses, at the workplace, or at home. Instruction may take place in real time or on a time- delayed basis. Interactivity between student and instructor, as well as among students themselves can be built into the program. The outcome can be a bachelor's degree or a master's degree, professional certification, on-the-job training, or life-long learning.

  A number of technologies can be employed in distance instruction, depending on what is most appropriate for the subject and the targeted group of students. In addition, students usually progress through the course at their own speed.

  Distance learning modes are as varied and numerous as the courses themselves. The most effective course in distance learning always knows how to combine the use of media with the nature of the subject being taught.

  Generally speaking, there are three basic transmission modes in distance learning: live TV broadcast, transmission of complete or compressed information as well as computer-based instruction. Of course, all these modes can also be used in combination. For instance, live broadcast via satellite or the World Wide Web can be added in courses conducted primarily with videotapes.

  In addition, instructor-student interactivity as well as student-student interactivity is also an important part of the learning process. There are a number of supportive technologies that can help promote interactivity in the distance learning environment, including electronic bulletin boards, internet, email, fax, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), telephone and snail mail.

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