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来源:考试网   2018-09-01【


  151. 我谨向您表示衷心的感谢。152. I would like/wish to express my heartfelt thanks to you.

  I am very grateful for…

  153. 我期待着在不远的将来访问贵国。154. I am looking forward to visiting your country in the near future/ at your earliest convenience.

  155. 邀请您在您方便的时候来中国访问156. to invite you to visit China at a time convenient to you

  157. 回顾过去158. looking back; in retrospect; a review of the past;

  look back on the past experiences

  159. 展望未来160. looking ahead; looking into the future

  161. 最后…162. In conclusion/closing,…;Finally,…;

  Before I conclude,…

  163. 我的发言到此结束,谢谢各位!164. And that concludes my speech.

  I’d like to end/conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.

  165. 在热情友好的气氛中166. in a cordial and friendly atmosphere

  167. 继往开来,携手前进168. work hand in hand to build on our past achievement

  169. 尽自己所能,并将继续竭尽全力 170. did and will continue to do our best

  171. 尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒

  美酒佳肴172. taste the traditional Chinese cuisine and drink the unique Chinese wine to your heart’s content

  delicious wine and excellent food

  173. 在认真坦率的气氛中174. in an earnest and frank atmosphere

  175. 结出了丰硕的果实176. to have borne rich fruits

  177. 礼节性/告别拜会178. to pay a courtesy/farewell call

  179. 就要结束在我国的友好访问180. to be about to conclude one’s friendly visit in our country

  181. 到机场/车站送人182. to see sb off at the airport/ railway station

  183. 今天我们怀着无限的惜别的心情,欢送……184. With great reluctance, we bid farewell today to…

  185. 在这临别之际,我们有一种恋恋不舍之情。186. We feel reluctant to leave you at this moment of parting.

  187. 感谢您在百忙之中……百忙中拨冗前来……188. Thank you so much for … in spite of the many claims on your time and attention/ in spite of your busy/ tight schedule.

  Thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to attend …

  189. 不用谢,这是我们应该做的,还做得不够。190. It’s our pleasure. And a lot of things might have done better. I’m glad you have enjoyed.

  191. 小小意思,不成敬意。192. This is a token of our appreciation.

  193. 欢迎再来。194. Do come again.

  195. 祝旅途愉快!196. I wish you a pleasant journey. Have a nice trip

  197. 一路平安!198. Bon voyage! / Have a good flight! / I wish you a pleasant journey.

  199. 一旦来了就不想离开的城市。200. a city which you will feel reluctant to leave once came; (you will enjoy yourself so much in Cheng Du so as to linger on with no thoughts of leaving for home)

  201. 剪彩202. cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony

  203. 奠基礼204. foundation stone laying ceremony

  205. 欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 206. welcome/opening/closing speech

  207. 共度难忘的时光208. to share the memorable time with you

  209. (装饰)华丽的大厅 210. magnificently decorated hall

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