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来源:考试网   2018-01-27【

  圣火 sacred fire (such as the Olympic torch)

  生活补助 living subsidies

  圣火采集仪式 sun-ray ceremony (The 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games flame was ignited in a traditional sun-ray ceremony at the Juyongguan pass of the Great Wall Saturday morning. 上周六上午,2010 年广州亚运会的圣火在居庸关长城举行的传统采集仪式中点燃。)

  生活津贴 living allowance or subsistence allowance

  升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)

  生计问题 bread-and-butter issue

  生命银行 bank for keeping the donated organs and remains of dead persons for medical use

  生态活动 eco-activity

  生态建筑 ecological construction

  生态林 ecological forest

  生态旅游 ecotourism

  生态农业 environmentally friendly agriculture

  生态危机 eco-crisis

  生态效益 ecological benefit

  生态系统 ecological system(ecosystem)

  生物工程 biological engineering

  生物恐怖主义 bioterrorism

  生物圈 biosphere

  生 物 燃 料 biofuel (An Air New Zealand passenger jet powered in part by vegetable oil successfully completed a flight Tuesday to test a biofuel that could lower airplane emissions. 新西兰航空公司一架客机 30 日完成了使用植物油作为部分动力燃料的飞行实验,用于实验的生物燃料可能降低飞机的废气排放。)

  生物钟 biological clock; living clock; biochronometer

  声讯台 informat ion service center

  生意兴隆 Business flourishes

  生育率 fertility rate (China will stick to its family-planning policy in the co ming decades to maintain a low fertility rate, a top population official said on Saturday at an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the country's unique policy. 上周六 ,人口计生委高级官员在纪念计划生育政策出台 30 周年的活动中表示,中国将在未来几十年内坚持计划生育政策,保持低生育率。)

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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