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来源:考试网   2018-01-02【

  喉舌;代言人 mouthpiece

  后台管理 back-stage management

  后续投资 follow-up investment

  候选城市 the candidate cities

  后劲 ability to make further advances

  互动演示 interact ive demonstration

  互动广告 interact ive advertisement

  虎父无犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame egg.

  互惠互利 reciprocity and mutual benefit

  户籍改革 household registry reform; residential system reform

  呼叫等待 call waiting

  呼叫转移 call forwarding

  户口簿 residence booklet

  户口管理制度 "domicile system, residence registration system "

  呼啦圈 hu la hoop 互联网服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider)

  虎鲨 tiger shark.(US diver Craig Clasen fought with a 12ft tiger shark for nearly 2 hours when it tried to attack his friend during an underwater spear fishing expedition in Louisiana.美国潜水员克雷格·克拉森在美国路易斯安那州的海底潜水捕鱼时,为了保护自己的同伴,在水中与一条 12 英尺长的虎鲨搏斗了两个小时。)

  护身法宝 amulet

  胡同串子 peddler; hawker

  互通有无 supply each other’s needs

  呼吸衰竭 respiratory failure

  忽悠 sweet-talk, coax, wheedle. (You cannot sweet-talk me into helping you! 你别想用好话哄我帮助你。)

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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