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来源:考试网   2017-12-29【

  结构工资制 structural wage system (内蒙古东胜市对村干部实行结构工资制,真正把村干部的 工资与 工作 成绩 、村集 体经 济收入 紧紧 地联 系起来 。Dongsheng City in Inner Mongolia carried out the composite wage system, closely connecting pay with

  village officials'work achievements and the economic revenue of the village's

  collective economy.)

  结构失调 structural imbalance

  结汇 settle a foreign exchange account; settlement of exchange deals

  结 婚 誓 词 marriage vow (Introducing the marriage vow, the Ministry of Civil Affairs ( MC)A says, is aimed at improving new couples' sense of mutual responsibility and their awareness of the Marriage Law. 民政部表示,引入结婚誓 词的目的是提升新人的共同责任意识和对《婚姻法》的认识。)

  劫机 hijack an airplane

  戒急用忍 overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient

  解决劳动力就业问题 tackle the problem of employment of the labor force

  解决贸易争端 settle trade disputes

  接口 interface

  解困基金 anti-poverty funds

  揭老底 reveal the inside story; open a buried secret

  解铃还须系铃人 It is better for the doer to undo what he has done; Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off; Whoever started the trouble should end it.

  截击导弹 interceptor; intercept ion missile

  截流 dam; the damming of

  截留上缴利润 withhold profits that should be turned over to the state

  揭幕赛 (Rafael Marquez's score earned Mexico a 1-1 draw with host South Africa in the opening game of the World Cup Friday after Siphiwe Tshabalala had given the host nation a dream start. 在本周五世界杯揭幕战中,南非队查巴拉拉的进球使东道主的南非之旅有了完美的开端。之后,墨西哥队拉法埃尔·马克斯的进球将与东道主南非队的比分扳为 1 比 1。)

  节能 save energy; energy-saving

  节食 on a diet

  结售汇制度 "the system of exchange, settlement and sales "

  节水龙头 water-saving taps

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