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来源:考试网   2017-12-27【

  境外投资 outbound investment (The Chinese government will continue encouraging outbound investment while attracting foreign investment in 2010 for "stable and relatively fast" growth of the country's economy, a government official has said. 一位政府官员说 ,为了保证国家经济“稳定和相对快速”的发展,2010年中国政府会继续鼓励境外投资,同时吸引外来投资。)

  境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad

  镜像站点 mirror sites (The WikiLeaks website was also shut down after apparent political pressure on service providers, but WikiLeaks said there were now 750 global mirror sites meaning the data so far released remained readily available.在服务器提供商公然受到政治压力后,维基解密网站也关闭了。但该网站称目前已在全球建立 750 个镜像站点,这意味着还有大量信息即将曝光。)

  竞选辩论 election debate

  竞选委员会 election committee;elect ion board

  竞选运动 election campaign

  敬业精神 professional dedication; professional ethics

  经营费用 running expense

  经营管 理高度 科学化 的现 代化大 企业 modern big enterprise with highly scientific management system 经营管理不善 mismanagement; poor management; poor operation and management

  经 营 权 与 所 有 权 分 离 separation of the right of management from the right of ownership

  经 营 性 公 墓 commercial cemetery(According to the regulation on funeral and interment management passed on Monday, the government will restrict the development of commercial cemeteries while promoting the construction of social welfare cemeteries. 根据周一通过的殡葬管理办法,(武汉市)政府将限制经营性公墓的开发,并推进公益性公墓的建设。)

  经营责任制 management system

  精英治国论 theory of elite administration

  竞争机制 competitive mechanism

  竞争上岗 take up a job through competition

  竞争优势 competitive edge; advantage in co mpetition

  净资本 net capital (The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said that a trust company's net capital should not be less than the sum of its all risky capital, as well as no less than 40 percent of its net assets. 中国银监会表示,一家信托公司的净资本不能少于其风险资本总额,也不能少于其净资产的 40%。)

  精子库 sperm bank

  经典线路 classic travel route

  精简开支 cut down the outlay; retrench expenses;retrenchment in expenditure

  经 济 法 制 化 manage economic affairs according to law; to put economic operation on a legal basis

  经济立法 economic legislature

  经济社会协调发展 coordinated development of the economy and society

  经济型轿车 economy car

  经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions

  仅供参考 for your information, for your reference (fyi)

  景气下降 business setback

  精神抖擞 in good spirits

  境外投资协调机制 the mechanisms for coordinating overseas investment

  经营范围 scope of business

  紧急避孕药 emergency contraception; morning-after pill

  静脉注射吸毒 intravenous drug abuse( or addict)

  金球制 golden goal

  今日特别推介 today's special offer

  金融监管 financial regulat ion

  金融监管责任制 the responsibility system for financial supervision

  集体企业 collect ively-owned enterprise

  就地考察 on-the-spot inspection

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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