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来源:考试网   2014-11-25【


  1. #翻译微实践# 请翻译: 上海经济部门官员日前表示,该市已向国家发展改革委员会提交一份激励绿色汽车的政策建议。

  # 参考答案#:Officials from Shanghai's economic planning authority said recently that the city has submitted a proposal for incentive policies for green cars to the National Development and Reform Commission.

  2. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:官方证实变形金刚4的主角将由马克?沃尔伯格担任,预计于2014年6月27日首映的变形金刚续集届时也将有新的时尚标志。

  #参考答案#:It’s officially confirmed that the star of Transformers 4 will be Mark Wahlberg; debuting on June 27th, 2014, the Transformers sequel will also have a sleek new logo.

  3. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:中国气象当局周四预警,在未来三天,因一股冷气团通过中国北方,该区域的气温将急剧下降,并有强风。

  #参考答案#:China's meteorological authorities on Thursday warned of sharp temperature drops and strong winds in north China, due to a cold front that will sweep the region in the next three days.

  4. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:美国国家癌症研究所科学家调查65万名40岁以上女性和男性的数据发现,每天运动10分钟,可延长寿命近两年。

  #参考答案#:Scientists at the U.S. National Cancer Institute surveyed data on 650,000 women and men over 40, and found 10 minutes of exercise a day can boost life expectancy by nearly 2 years.

  5. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:法国总统奥朗德周四签署首项政府资助的青年工作合约,为社会党解决高失业率的基石。

  #参考答案#:French President Francois Hollande on Thursday signed the first contracts of the government-sponsored jobs for youths, a cornerstone of the Socialists' plan to tackle an alarming unemployment rate.

  6. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:白宫周四表明,美国总统奥巴马11月17日将展开为期四天的亚洲之旅,行程将至泰国、缅甸和柬埔寨。

  #参考答案#:U.S. President Barack Obama will kick off a four-day Asian tour starting November 17th that will take him to Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, the White House said on Thursday.

  7. #翻译微实践# 请翻译:周四公布最新研究,三星Galaxy S III在2012年第三季击败苹果iPhone 4S,第一次成为世界上最畅销的智能手机。

  #参考答案#:A latest research released on Thursday shows that Samsung Galaxy S III beat Apple iPhone 4S in 2012's 3rd quarter, becoming the world's best-selling smartphone for the 1st time.


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Worn out with this torture of thought, I rose to my knees. Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night: too serene for

  the companionship of fear.


  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:My rest might have been blissful enough, only a sad heart broke it.It plained of its gaping wounds, its inward bleeding, its riven chords.


  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:I was indignant for a moment; but remembering that anger was out of the question, and that I had indeed appeared as a beggar to her, I

  answered quietly.


  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:美国国家癌症研究所科学家调查65万名40岁以上女性和男性的数据发现,每天运动10分钟,可延长寿命近两年。


  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:The moral degradation, blent with the physical suffering, form too distressing a recollection ever to be willingly dwelt on. I blamed none of those who repulsed me.


  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:When she left me, I felt comparatively strong and revived: ere long satiety of repose and desire for action stirred me. I wished to rise.


  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:On a chair by the bedside were all my own things, clean and dry. My black silk frock hung against the wall. The traces of the bog were

  removed from it.


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