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来源:考试网   2014-06-10【

  Our illusions of safety and invulnerability were gone, our disengagement from world affairs exposed and tallied. In one sense, we cannot be faulted for seeing in the collapse of the Twin Towers, or in the demise of Enron, or in the bloody conflicts that have no end in sight, signs that things are falling apart all over the world. We cannot deny all that is wrong with the world. But neither can we conclude that all is wrong with the world. Every day we see role models of excellence, goodness and courage who bring joy, beauty, justice, and comfort to their fellow human beings. And if the world is moving in the wrong direction, then you have the obligation to help turn things around. We admitted you to Penn because we be1ieve each of you has the potential to help humanity back on course.

  Yes, we look to you to add to the body of knowledge in your fields of study during your time at Penn; yes ,we expect you to acquire the skills, knowledge, and prowess to excel and make important contributions in your careers and professions; and yes, I have no doubt that each of you will go far on whatever professional track you choose to follow.

  从某种意义上说, 世贸中心双塔的倾塌、安然公司的丑行以及似乎还看不到头的流血冲突, 都似乎让我们看见了这世界正在四分五裂的迹象。这么说并不错。我们不能否认这世界出现的任何问题, 但我们也不能据此认为这世界全是问题。每天我们都能遇见优秀的典范人物, 遇见有德行有勇气的人们, 他们为自己的伙伴带来欢乐、美好、正义和舒适的感觉。而且, 如果这世界正朝错误的方向前进, 那你们就有责任来扭转乾坤。把你们招进宾大, 因为我们相信你们每一位都有潜力 , 使人类社会重上正轨。

  不错, 我们希望你们在宾大学习期间, 能增加自己专业领域的知识; 不错, 我们期望你们能学得技能、知识和取得优胜的能力, 在各自的职业和事业中做出重要的贡献; 不错, 各位将来都 一定能在自己从事的工作中做出杰出业绩 , 无论你们如何选择自己的事业, 对此我深信不疑。

责编:fengyue 评论 纠错


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