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来源:考试网   2014-06-06【

  Moreover, the readership of any magazine consists of an assortment of subgroups. This may sound like it contradicts what we have said earlier about the narrow focus of trade magazines, but really there is no contradiction: Some trade magazines -- “horizontal” or “functional”magazines are created specifically to embrace diverse audiences of readers who share a particular interest.(Take for example Folio,which is read by magazine professionals of all disciplines--editorial, circulation, advertising, and production.) But even in the narrowest "vertical"magazine, there will be subgroups. At the very least, l magazine will have subcategories based on experience beginners seeking a secure footing in the field, secure professionals seeking to expand their already substantial knowledge, and experts who want to keep current on and learn of new developments, but who may read the magazine as much to find out what people in the field think or are working on.

  另外, 任何杂志的读者群都可再分为数种各不相同的类型组。这听起来可能与前面所说贸易杂志的目标范围通常较窄有矛盾, 但事实上这并不矛盾: 有些杂志, 即所谓 " 垂直型 " 或 " 功 能型 " 杂志, 就是为形形色色却有一特定兴趣的读者编的。 (例如 "FOLIO" 杂志, 就是为所有 学科的杂志的专业编辑人员一一一写社论的、搞发行的、做广告的、管印发的人一一一编的。) 不过即使是最狭窄意义上的 " 垂直型 " 杂志, 其读者也还是能按类型分组的。至少, 可以按经验多少来区分杂志的读者: 初次涉猎者希望在该领域站稳脚跟, 专业有成者希望能拓展自己已经相当充分的知识领域, 而专家们则希望紧跟形势, 了解最新进展, 同样也想了解本领域其他人士在想什, 做什么。

责编:fengyue 评论 纠错


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