

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 写作指导 >> 2018年bec中级写作讲义:partⅡ


来源:考试网   2018-07-26【


  一、 BEC中级(Vantage)Part Ⅱ

  1. 文体——Correspondence / Report / Proposal

  2. 写作者的口吻

  3. 语言的整合

  4. 按照文体讲解:

  1) Business Correspondence

  l 考试频率

  l 7种内容类型(补充求职信和简历)

  l 基本格式:

  1) Make Change

  l 写作的注意事项

  l 典型的开头部分写作

  l 典型的正文部分写作

  l 真题写作范例:


  Ø Your Managing Director has asked you to reply to the letter below which is about a proposed educational visit to your company by a local school. He has written his comments on the letter.


  Dear Mr. Takahashi,

  Re: Educational Visit

  Thank you for your recent letter accepting our request for an educational visit to your company.

  Yours sincerely,



  Ø Write a letter of 120-140 words to the head teacher explaining the changes the Managing Director would like to make to the visit.

  Ø Write on your answer sheet.


  Ø The company where you work is organizing a sales conference. Your Sales Manager has asked you to reply to the letter below, from a transport hire company called A1 Coaches, concerning arrangements for the conference. He has written his comments on the letter.

  Ø Write a letter of 120-140 words to Mr. Otley of A1 Coaches, to make sure that the arrangements are changed.

  Ø Do not include address.

  Ø Write on your answer sheet.

  Dear Conference Organizer,

  Transport arrangements-Sales Conference 9/10 December

  Following your telephone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm the coach and car hire details for your Sales Conference in December.

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
  • 职业资格
  • 医药考试
  • 外语考试
  • 学历考试