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来源:考试网   2014-08-18【


  Report on records management conference

  A summary of the Records Management Conference I attended in Detroit on August 10 is included in this report.

  Summary of Seessions Attended

  The following summarizes each of the sessions I attended

  1. Filling Equipment

  This session was designed to acquaint the participants with the latest filling equipment. Much of the equipment on display was automatic.

  2.Records Retrieval

  The purpose of this session was to acquaint the participants with the various factors that need ed to be considered in developing a records retentiuon schedule

  1. Records Transfer

  In this session, participants leaned about the new developments in transferring records from active status to inactive status.


  On the basis of my attending the conference, I am making the following recommendations:

  1) We investigate the possibility of purchasing lateral filling equipment

  2) We evaluate the validity of our records retention schedule and revise as needed.

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