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来源:考试网   2012-10-23【


Andrea Jung


  Chairman and CEO of Avon Products考试网(www.Examw。com)

  Andrea Jung went from being a lackluster student to attending the Ivy League's Princeton University, and went on to become the CEO of Avon Products. Institutional Investor wrote of Jung, 'How many other chief executives embody their companies the way Andrea Jung does? Sleek, stylishly turned out, with signature pearl choker and mane of sable hair, she is confident and assertive, the perfect image for her newly invigorated Avon Products. Jung is the first female CEO at a cosmetics company who wasn't also its founder.' Jung took the failing company out of the depths of marketing oblivion into a world of young, hip makeup products. She enables millions of women worldwide to work for themselves. Headcount rose 200,000 in the U.S. alone during the first quarter, thanks to the biggest recruiting drive in Avon's history. Jung sits on the GE and Apple boards.


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