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来源:考试网   2010-08-20【
        传媒大亨康拉德o布莱克(Conrad Black)上周被判诈骗罪和妨碍司法公正罪成立,从而面临10年以上监禁。布莱克是在加拿大出生的英国上议院议员,曾是英国《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)所有人。
  Conrad Black, the Canada-born British peer and former owner of the Daily Telegraph, was last night facing more than a decade in jail after being convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice.
  在宣读判决时,布莱克勋爵在妻子芭芭拉o艾米尔o布莱克(Barbara Amiel Black)和女儿阿拉娜(Alana)的陪伴下,面色沉重地坐着。他没有看女儿和妻子,但递给妻子一张纸条。在事业巅峰期时,布莱克曾拥有一个遍布英国、美国、加拿大和以色列的传媒王国。
  Lord Black, who at the height of his power owned a media empire spanning the UK, US, Canada and Israel, flanked by his wife Barbara Amiel Black and daughter Alana, sat stone-faced as the verdict was read. He did not look at his daughter or wife, but passed a note to Lady Black.
  尽管洗脱了13项指控(其中包括最为严重的敲诈勒索罪)中的9项,但布莱克勋爵仍面临最长达35年的监禁,其大部分财产--包括他在棕榈滩(Palm Beach)的家--将因他参与盗用霍林格国际(Hollinger International)数千万美元而被没收。霍林格国际是他建立并控制的公司。
  Although he was acquitted on nine of the 13 charges, including the most serious one of racketeering, Lord Black faces a maximum of 35 years in prison and a forfeiture of most of his assets, including his home in Palm Beach, for his part in the theft of millions of dollars from Hollinger International, the company he built and controlled.
责编:sunshine 评论 纠错


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