

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2013年3月剑桥BEC商务英语考试口语讲义(12)


来源:考试网   2013-01-15【


  Future Plan

  What would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?)

  What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan?

  What if you failed to find a job as a…?

  What would you do if you couldn't find a job as a…?

  2 go abroad, look for a job, hunt for a job, study further, post graduate

  2 knowledge preparation: attend training course

  2 psychological preparation: be mature

  improve interpersonal skills

  2 It is not quite possible.

  ü If you don't want me, there are several other companies waiting for me, actually I've got several offers.

  ü Can you do it?

  AmE: Yes, definitely is a piece of cake.

  BrE: I'm sure I can do it.


  What kind of people do you most like working /studying with? (Why?)

  What do you think makes a good team?

  What is a good team?

  Do you think you work in a good team?

  (Why? / Why not?)

  2 Honest and have good interpersonal skills

  2 Cooperation and friendly atmosphere

  2 Mutual trust

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
  • 职业资格
  • 医药考试
  • 外语考试
  • 学历考试