

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> 网校公告 >> 2012年下半年商务英语中级考试英汉译文(7)


来源:考试网   2012-06-19【


今天就到这儿了。 Thats all for today.

  让我们今天就到此为止吧。 Lets call it a day.

  下星期二下午怎样?各位没有意见吧? How about on Tuesday afternoon of next week? Is that okay with everyone?

  对不起,星期二我无法参加。 I'm sorry. I cant make it on Tuesday.

  所以,我要进行下一阶段了。 And so, i'd like to proceed to the next stage.

  对不起,我可以问个问题吗? Excuse me, i'd like to ask you a question.中 华 考 试 网

  对不起,我可以问个问题吗? Excuse me, but may I ask a question?

  对不起我插个嘴,我有一个问题。 Forgive me for interrupting, but I have a question.

  在你接着干之前,我有一个问题。 Before you go on, I have a question.

  很抱歉,我插个嘴,我希望你多解释一些。 I'm sorry to interrupt, but i'd like you to explain that a little more.

  真的,你想知道什么呢? Sure, what did you want to know?

  当然,你什么都可以问。 Certainly. Ask whatever you like.

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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