

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> 网校公告 >> 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(44)


来源:考试网   2012-05-18【


所有包内都有一层防水内衬。 All bags contain an inner waterproof lining.

  如果木条箱两星期内不归还,则每只箱扣罚五美元。 The crates are charge to you at $5 each if they are not returned to us within 2 weeks.

  坚固的木箱和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。 Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring.

  这些货物分别装入1、2、5、10、20升的木桶里。 Those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1,2,5,10 and 20 litres.

  50升的瓶子应是最经济的尺码,这些瓶子可免费保存两个月。 Fifty-litre carboy would be the most economical size. Carboys may be retained without charge for two months.

  你们定单上的各种货物被打成各种大小不同的捆儿,以便于运输。 The various items of your order will be packed into bundles of suitable size for shipment.

  请将每个纸箱重量限制在15公斤内,并将每4箱一组用铁条儿固定起来。 Please keep the cartons to 15kg each and metal-strap all cartons in stacks of 4.

  每件货物应单独用油纸包好。 Each item is to be wrapped separately in gerase-paper.考试网(www.Examw。com)

  每只木箱体积不应超过1.5m*1m*1m. All measurements of each case must not exceed 1.5m*1m*1m.

  每只木条箱内装4只大瓶子将空余处填满。 Each single crate is heavily padded and packed with 4 carboys.

  请严格遵守包装及商标的细则。 Full details regarding packing and marking must be strictly observed.

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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