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来源:考试网   2012-05-13【
你们提供什么样的产品保证呢? What sort of guarantee do you offer on your product?

  有一个原则,如果在一年内符合各种使用规定,就可更换。 A standard one. Replacement during the first year if all rules for proper use have been followed.

  我们提供永久保证。 We offer a life-time guarantee.

  对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost.

  我们的保证是包括更换零件和免费保养。 Our guarantee covers maintenance for both parts and labor.考试用书

  告诉我们有关你们售后服务的情况。 Tell us about your post-purchase servicing.

  我们采用大店服务中心,他们可把产品运送到我们的国内服务中心维修。 We use service centers at major stores. They ship goods back to our national service center for repairs.

  我们对顾客提供免费服务电话。 We have a toll-free number for customers to call.

  在各种情形下我们都可更换产品。 We exchange products under almost all circumstances.

  请你把你们产品的性能给我们详细说明一下好吗? Could you give us detailed descriptions of the capabilities of your product?

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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