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来源:考试网   2012-05-23【


"I wana be a billionaire, so, so bad. Buy all of the things I never had. I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine..." Bieber sings to the Forbes staff as he shoots the June cover.

Yes, you read that right.

Bieber, dressed in a suit, will grace the June cover of Forbes. He's not being positioned as a singer or teenage heartthrob. He's being positioned as a startup investor.

Bieber made his first startup investment in 2009. Since then he has quietly investing millions in a dozen small companies including Robby Stein's Yelp-like app Stamped, Spotify, and game-for-good company SoJo Studios.

"I’m not going to invest in something I don’t like; I have to believe in the product,” Bieber tells Forbes.

"He’s among the most prominent examples in the new Hollywood game: tech-savvycelebrities using their fame to secure stakes in Silicon Valley darlings while ordinaryventure capitalists salivate on the sidelines," writes Forbes.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]

Bieber has invested alongside fellow celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Ashton Kutcher.

When asked why he's investing in startups Bieber replied, "Everything that I do I try to have a charitable component. I do music and I try to leave most of it up to [my manager], I just think that it's important to be a part of things that are starting up."


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