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来源:考试网   2015-11-11【

  Data and Compare

  1. Data and Compare的报告目的在于compare, 会呈现一部分数据,但是都是以对比为目的。

  2. 此类报告的写作重点为:split,difference, ratio, proportion等。常常需要用到表示对比的语言:

  3. 对比的数据包括:不同产品/商店/公司盈利能力,年度表现环比、进出口量、产量等环比等。

  1. 年度表现对比:包括不同指标(营业额等)对比,与年度环比

  i. 公司年度表现 Report On Performance of XX Company

  This report describes the performance of XX company over the period 2001-2003 by analyzing the turnover, unit sales and operating profit.

  From the graph we can see there was a consecutive decrease in operating profit over the period studied. Starting off at 500 million in 2001, it plummeted by 20% to 400 in the following year, and then kept declining to around 350 million in 2003.

  The turnover, on the other hand, remained relatively stable between 6100-6200 million during the same period. From 6200 million, it decreased slightly to 6100 in 2002, and recovered to 6200 again in 2003.

  The unit sales showed a similar trend as turnover in the three years. In 2001, 10 million units were sold while in the following year, this number went down slightly to around 8.5. To our delight, it soared to a record high of 11 million in 2003,

  From these figures we can see, there was a buoyant demand for the company’s product from 2001 to 2003. However, the operating profit failed to grow consistently. Therefore, I recommend the company cut down on its costs to improve the profitability.

  NOTE: 可逐年写,也可逐指标写。

  ii. 公司股票与现金收益 bar + line : Main task; describe changes


  Report On Stock and Earnings of XX Plc

  This graph describes the changes in the stock value and earnings of XX plc. over the year 2009 to 2010.


  Taking the stock first, we can see there was a steady rise from 55million to 80million during the year 2009 with the largest increase coming between the 2nd and the 3rd quarter./总趋势,最大增幅区间/ Over the same period, the earnings of the company fluctuated greatly. Starting around 20 million in the first quarter, they rocketed to 90 million in the third quarter followed by a sharp fall to the starting level at the end of the year. /总趋势,细述/


  The stock performed very steadily in 2010, staying around 80 million throughout the year. The total profits were slightly higher than that of 2009. However, the quarterly profits showed a much steadier trend, remaining stable around 40 million within the whole period. /总趋势/对比总趋势/

  The trend of stock and earnings shows that the company was running well during the given period.


  The graph shows the trend of the stock and earnings of an European company for each quarter of the two year period, 2009 to 2010.


  In 2009, the company had a low start with a earning of just 20 million in the first quarter. However, the figure rose steadily in the second quarter and shot up to a two-year peak at 90 million in the third. In the fourth quarter, it fell back again to its starting level. By comparison, the company achieved a slightly higher total profit in 2010 with the quarterly earnings staying stable between 40 and 50 million throughout the year.


  The stock followed a similar trend to earnings. Starting at around 55million in the first quarter in 2009, the figure rose steadily, peaking at around 85 million at the end of the year. Then it dropped slightly to around 80 million at the beginning of 2010, and maintained this position for the rest the period.

  The trend of stock and earnings indicated that the company is running well over the given period.

  iii. 年度收益 Report on earnings of PLC during 2009 to 2010

  This chart shows the general changes in the earnings of XX plc over the years 2009 to 2010.

  From the graph we can see the company did not have a very good start in 2009, with a earning of only 35 million dollars for the first quarter. Although the profits rose to a peak at 40 million dollars in the second quarter, they dropped back to the starting level again after two consecutive declining quarters.

  By comparison, 2010 was a fantastic year with both much higher quarterly earnings and constant profit growth throughout the year. In the first quarter, the company achieved a profit of 40 million dollars, rising 11% year on year. Then the figure rose steadily in the following quarters, reaching a record of 60 million dollars at the end of the year.

  From the changes of earnings of the two years, we can see the company is advancing during the given period.

  iv. 销售量所占比例环比

  Report on changes in percentage of sales made by retailers in Britain

  This report summarizes the changes in percentage of sales made by retailers in Britain between 1996 and 2001 by analyzing the data of a typical week.

  The week in 1996.

  From the graph we can see there was a steady rise in the daily sales of retailers from Monday to Friday, with the percentages growing from around 8% to a peak at 25%. Then the percentage declined slightly on Saturday before plummeting to a low below 5% at the end of the week.

  The week in 2001

  The percentage in 2001 showed a similar trend, although at a level 1% to 3% lower compared to 1996. However, Monday and Sunday were exceptions to this general trend, with the percentages exceeding that of 1996 by about 3% in the two days.

  From the data we can conclude that the percentage of sales made by retailers did not fluctuate much between 1996 and 2001.

  2. 不同产品/公司的销售额/盈利能力对比

  i. Line chart: 对比两个公司的年度表现;要求既有公司对比又有年份对比。

  写作重点:对比利润。 趋势,呈现,对比

  Report On Profits of two sea subsidiaries in 2008 and 2010

  The line charts shows the trends of profits of two sea food subsidiaries in Europe and Australia in 2008 and 2010.


  The Australian subsidiary did not have a very good start in 2008 with the first-quarter profit being slightly above 30 million. Although the figure rose gradually to around 38 million in the 2nd quarter, it declined steadily to the starting level in the two subsequent quarters. Over the same period, the European subsidiary performed much better, with the profits staying stable above 45 million throughout the year. /trend, 起点,最高点,终点 // 对比,trend/

  2010 2010年是难点,既要横向对比,又要按时间纵向对比

  The profits of Australian subsidiary in 2010 was similar to that of 2008, but fluctuated greatly. The first two quarters were quite unfruitful, with the quarterly profits standing at only 20 million. However, in the third quarter, they rocketed to a record around 85 million before falling back to 20 million again in the fourth quarter. By contrast, the profits of European subsidiary did not vary much. They showed the same performance as that of 2009, but at level 15 billion lower. /对比trend,起点,最高点,终点// 横向对比趋势,纵向对比数量/

  In conclusion, the European subsidiary is a little vibrating while the Australian more stable.

  vibrate [vi·brate || vaɪ'breɪt] v. 振动, 激动, 颤动; 使颤动, 使摆动, 使振动



  2. it experienced a rise in the second, then a decline to about 33 at the end of the year,[描写浮动的句子]

  ii. bar chart三种不同产品两年来营业额对比

  i. Report On Performance of Product A. B, C during 2009 to 2010


  Of the three products, A, B, and C, earnings of A had a steady growth in the first three quarters and a sharp rise to 60 million in the fourth quarter. Product B, on the other hand, achieved a similar total profit but performed much more steadily with the quarterly earnings ranging from 30 million to 35 million. By comparison, product C was the most profitable with the earning staying above 40million throughout the four quarters.


  In 2010, product A had an excellent start but the profits fell gradually for the rest of the year. Over the same period, earnings of product B fluctuated greatly. They plummeted to 10 billion in the second quarter, recovered to 30 million in the third quarter, but dropped back to 20 billion at the end of the year. Profits of Product C still showed a very steady trend this year, but at level 20 billion lower than 2009.

  To conclude, yearly profit of product A increased over the given period while profits from product B and C decreased greatly.

责编:stone 评论 纠错


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