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Using the Telephone(II)

来源:考试网   2010-05-05【
   Mr Ballito, the Managing Director of Modern Office Limited often has to make international telephone calls to his customers in other countries.Today he asks his Secretary Opal to book a call to Mr Frascati in Rome.

  MR BALLITO: I'd like to speak to Mr Frascati in Rome at about 11.00 our time. Would you book a call to him, please, Opal.

  OPAL:Certainly, Mr Ballito. I'll ask Rose to connect me with the International Operator and book the call. Shall I make it a personal call?

  MR BALLITO: Yes, I think so. It's a waste of money to pay for the call if Mr Frascati is out. Do you know the number?

  OPAL:Yes, I have it here. It's Rome 35 56 75.


  ROSE: Switchboard.

  OPAL:Oh good morning, Rose, would you put me through to the International Operator, please. I want to book a call to Rome for Mr Ballito.

  ROSE: Certainly, I' m putting you through now.(CLICK RINGING)It's ringing now, Opal.

  OPAL:Thank you ……


  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR:International Operator.

  OPAL:Good morning. I'd like to book a personal call to Rome, please.This is Dongali 52364, Modern Office Limited.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR:Dongali, 52 364.What number in Rome, please.

  OPAL:Rome 35 56 75.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR:35 56 75 …… what name?

  OPAL:Mr Frascati.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR:Rome 35 56 75, Mr Frascati.

  OPAL:Yes, that' s right. Can I book the call for 11-00?

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR: 11:00 yes, that should  be all right. I'll ring you back when the call is,。 expected.

  OPAL:Thank you very much.(REPLACES RECEIVER)

  (TO BALLITO) The operator is going to ring back when the call is expected.

  MR BALLITO: Well, that's fine, thank you Opal.


  OPAL:Mr Ballito's office.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR: Your personal call to Mr Frascati in Rome is expected within a few minutes.

  OPAL:Thank you, operator. Mr Ballito, your call to Mr Frascati is expected within a few minutes.

  MR BALLITO: Thank you, Opal.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR: Hello ——。 Is that Mr Frascati?

  MR FRASCATI: Mr Frascati speaking.

  INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR: I have a personal call for you, Mr Frascati, from Dongali. Hold the line please.Go ahead, speak up. caller,Mr Frascati is on the line.

  OPAL: Mr Ballito, Mr Frascati is on the line

  MR BALLITO: Thank you, Opal. Hello? Mr Frascati? Mr Frascati! Mr Frascati?

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