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商务礼仪美语 Lesson 014

来源:考试网   2010-04-10【

Business Etiquette Lesson 014 - Cubicle Etiquette


  (Office ambience)

  C:Good morning, Mary, do you have a minute to talk?

  M:Yes, what is it?


  M: 你是说我们工作的地方,就象我这里有三快矮墙把我和别人隔开。这不就是cubicles吗?

  C:That's it, cubicles. 在cubicles里工作平时一点问题都没有,可有时……

  M:What happened?

  C:刚搬到我隔壁来坐的那位同事今天一早来就打电话,说话声音还特别大,I can't work anymore!

  M:我知道,在隔间的情况下,说话都得小声。Whether you are on the phone or have someone in you cubicle, speak softly.


  M:No, no one should think they can barge in whenever they want. 每个人都应该象你刚才那样,先问我有没有时间后才进来。I wish everyone was as courteous as you.

  C:Thank you,Mary.我知道要是有人打断我的工作,我应该对他们说明,但是我又不想让人认为我很不友好。


  C:That's a good idea.Thank you, Mary.我得回去工作了。


  M:Hi, 陈豪。好几天没见你啦。还有人来打搅你吗?

  C:我按照你说的去做,一切都很好。 可是还有……


  C:有时候有人来找我,我正在打电话,可来人居然站在旁边不走。That's annoying and distracting to me.

  M:对这样的人,我有个办法,就是只当没看见他;背对著他。 That usually does the trick and they leave.


  M:I think my neighbor is munching on potato chips.陈豪, let's go lunch!

  C: 在cubicles里工作看来真是要十分小心。

  M:Right. Working in cubicles can be challenging. Just because an office doesn't have a door does not mean you can barge in anytime you please. You need to ask permission before entering someone's cubicle. If a colleague is on the phone, you should come back later. It is a simple matter of respecting the privacy of others.

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