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来源:考试网   2020-06-01【

  disposable 一次性物品

  例:The paper cups and plates are disposables .纸杯和纸盘都是一次性物品 b

  distribution (商品的)销售,推销

  例:Many companies open a branch office to improve distribution in countries where a good market exists.许多公亘为了促销,在市场看好的国家开设分公司。

  diverse workforce 多种族员工队伍

  例: With globalization, you will be managing a diverse -workforce even if you never leave the U.S.伴随着全球化,美国的企业领导人即便不迈出国门一步,也将管理瘠一支 多种族的员工队伍。


  例: The UK retail food market is saturated, so their only real prospect of growth is either to enter foreign markets or diversify into new markets at home. 英国零售食品市场已经 饱和,他们惟一真正的发展希望在于要么打入国外市场,要么开展多样化经营,增加 产品种类,在国内开辟新市场。


  例:They firmly believe that lhe supermarket'divej^ification is set to coniinue-他们 坚 信超市极有可能会继续实行经营多样化。


  例:Preferred stockholders are paid their dividends before common stockholders.优先股 持有者先于普通股持有者很到股息。

  dividend per ^iare 每股股息,简称 DPS

  例:The company paid a dividend per share of 30p in 1998. 1998 年公司派发每股股息 30 便 士。

  docu-commercial (电视上)纪实性商业广告(通常为一长段广吿讯息,播放起来 让人感觉真实、客观)o由documentary和commercial构成。

  documentation (提供或使用的)书面证件、文件

  例: When collectii^ parcels from this post office, you will need to produce documenta- tion which proves your identity.到这个邮局取包裏,你需要提供证明身份的证件。

  dollar.amount encoding金额加密(指在支票底端以磁墨字体印刷支票金额,以便于 电子化仪器能够对其进行处理)

  domestic market 国内市场

  例: Nabisco has dominated the domestic biscuit market in. the USA for over 60 years- 纳 比斯克公司已雄黯美国国内饼干市场达60多年。

  domestic sales国内销售额

  例: Since there has been a decline in our domestic sales we have decided to carry out a marketing audit to identify areas where improvemem can be made. 由于国内销售额下 降,公司决定进行营销审核,弄清哪些方面需皇改进。

  door-to-door salesman 上门推销员,亦作 salesperson; saleswoman; commercial traveller; travelling salesman 等

  例: The door-to-door salesman showed some samples to the householder. 上门推销员给 住户看一些样品。

  dot bomb昙花一现的网络公司,曾经辉煌过的互联网企业(俚语)

  例:It is difficult to raise money nowadays for certain Internet business ventures because investors fear investing into dot bombs that will never become profitable. 现在一些互联网 企业很难筹措到资金,因为投资者害怕投资这些已成明日黄花的公司将永远无法带来 利润。

  dot-com issue商业域名纷争.网络纷争

  例:The more E^gressive clients are in the " doMom” issues .更具进取性的客户已涉足 网络纷争。

  dot-matrix printer点矩阵式打印机,俗称针式打印机。一种低成本的打印机,印刷 质量不及激光打印机。

  例:The dot-matrix printer is cheap but the print quality is not very good,针式打印机 便宜,但打印质量不太好。

  ctouble bedroom (备有一张双人床的)双人间

  double en suite 双人套间

  double entry 复式记录,复式分录(每笔账分别记入借方栏(Debit Column)与贷方 栏(Credit Column))

  例:A trade discount is not recorded in double miry.贸易折扣不用复式记录c

  double-sided copying 双面复印

  例:Printing on both sides of the paper is known as double-sided copying ・纸张两面都印 被称为双面复印

  doubtful accounts 坏账

  Dow [the Dow] 道琼斯平均指数

  例: Throughout several years in the 1970s, the Lknv rose and fell by barely 1 percent a y宓n 20世纪70年代中有几个年头,道琼斯平均指数每年仅升降1%。

  downmarket (商品、服务等)面向大众化市场的,面向低收入消费者的,价廉质


  例:The company is trying to get rid of its downmarket image.这家公司正努力摆脱低 档市场的形象°

  down payment 定金

  例: The seller insisted on a down payment of 10% ol the full price before accepting the order.卖家坚持对方付全价10%的定金才接受订货。

  downshift (使)工作降格(指为过轻闲生活而改换自由时间较多的工作)

  例: Underlying the philosophy of doivnshifting, however, is a growing ecological and a nt i- consumcri st tendency.然而,在工作降格的背后.是越釆越强烈的保护生态和反 消费主义倾向°

  downsize 削减

  例: We will not hesitate to dtmmsize the organization for maximum efficiency.为 了录大 限度地提高效率,我们会毫不犹豫地削减机构。

  down time停工期,窝工(由于原料未到,或电疝等机器故障造成损失的时间) 例:Dawn time must be included in the cost of production-停工期必須算进生产成本 里.

  downturn (销售或利润)下降

  例: Many large companies seek to maintain their level of dividends to shareholders, regardless of temporary dtyivntums .许多大公司不顾暂时的利润下降,努力保持给股东 的股息水平

  draft 1汇集

  例: A draft is an unconditional order in writing prepared by one party (drawer) and addressed to another (drawee) directithe drawee to pay a specified sum of money to the order of a third person (the payee)・ or to the bearer, on demand or at a fixed and determinable future time.汇票是由一人(出票人)向另一人(受票人)签发的一种无条件 支付的书面命令,指示受票人即期或在可以确定的将来时间对第三人(收款人),或 对持票人支付一定数量的款项。

  draft 2抽调,选派

  例: Western Media has dra fted in Carol Spencer, the top marketer in its radio subsidiary, to be its first marketing director.西部媒体公司抽调了原为其下属无线电公司 的顶尖营销员卡罗•斯宾塞担任首席营销主管


  例:The person who drew the cheque forgot to sign 计.开支票的人忘了 签字 °


  例: The drawee refused to accept the cheque because the drawer had not signed it. 受票 人不肯承兑支票,因为开票人沒有签字。


  例: The cheque was returned to the draiver because there was no money in the acc-ount. 账户中没有钱,支票已退回出票人。

  dress code 着装要求

  例: Dress is a very importanT issue for the Japanese, with a smart suit and tie the expect- ed dress code in all business situations.着装对日木人而言至关重要,挺括的西装领带是 所有商务场合公认的瘠装要求。

  driving licence 驾驶执照

  例:As soon as they'd checked my driving licence , I was away-等他们检查完我的驾 照,我立刻把车开走。

  duplicating machine 复印机,亦作 duplicator

  duplicator 复印机,亦作 duplicalir增 machine

  例:Use the duplicator to make fifty copies of this letter.用复印机把这封信复印 50



  durable consumer goods 耐用消费品

  例:International leasing is a kind of transaction in which the lessee imports, and the lessor cxporls, capilat or durable consumer goods・国际租赁是承租人进口和出租人出口 资本或耐用消费品的一种交易。

  duty free shop 免税商店

  例: You can buy alcohol and perfume at lower prices in the duty free shop at an airport. 在机场的免税商店买酒和香水价格比较便宜。

  duty meal职工免费餐



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