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来源:考试网   2016-09-25【

  Woman: Could you let me know your carregistration,and I'll book you a car parking space.

  Man: Sure, it's WK-oh-five-two-CJ.

  Woman: OK. And your phone number, please?

  Man: Sure, I don't think you'll need my mobilenumber. My PA's always there. She's on three-four-seven-six-two-double-nine. The code's oh-one-double-two-three. Her name's Anna Hope, no sorry, Anna Black, she's just got married -I keep forgetting.

  Woman: Thanks. Have you something special to show Oliver at the meeting?

  Man: We have some new invoicing software. It's called INV twenty ten. It has a lot of great newfeatures, among them.

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