

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC初级 >> 口语听力 >> 2013年商务英语口语初级资料5


来源:考试网   2013-03-29【

  Questions and answers:

  1. What’s work?

  Answer: Work is a job, it can take me salary, and salary based on how much effort you put in, I will take my best to do it, Because it may improve my grades, and improve my living conditions, at the same time we can give our parent some living allowances.

  2. What jobs might be suitable for us after our graduation?

  Answer: I think maybe salesman might be suitable for our graduation. They can exercise their own and

  integrate into social groups.

  3. In your opinion, which factors are important for getting a job?

  Answer: 1)Personal image 2) An impressive resume 3) interview ability 4) Flexible thinking answer 5) Fluent expression, etc

  4. What do interviewers want to learn from a job applicant during the interview?

  Answer: Your previous experience and success will tell the interviewer about your enthusiasm for work. Also character

  5. Usually, what questions do we expect if we go to a job interview?

  Answer: I expect they will ask me why do you choose my company? I will reply I like this industry, Like to have challenging jobs, And I want to improve myself, and study at this field

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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