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来源:考试网   2013-03-29【

  Questions and answers:

  1. What sort of advertisement do you like best?

  Answer: I’d like the advertisement in real. Many advertisements in current are not true, they are exaggeration, False. Make the persons can’t to believe.

  2. Have you bought any product yourself simply because it is advertised?

  Answer: Yes, for example my car, my car’s brand is Beijing xiandai, Model is I30. I buy it because of its advertisement is so warm. Its slogan is loving life beacuse of loving you

  3. Did they live up to the advertisement?

  Answer: Yes, Most of products live up to the advertisements. Restaurant, telephone, cosmetic and so on.

  4. Name any advertisement you particularly dislike. Why?

  Answer: I dislike QuMei, The tea of lose weight, and all about this kind advertisement. Because they are not true.

  5. Good quality products do not need to be advertised and advertising is waste of money. Do you agree? Can you explain it?

  Answer: I think good quality is very important, but advertising is very important too, because now competition is very fierce, the same type of new good products continued into the market, If they don’t advertised and made people to know, someday they will lose the market.

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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