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来源:考试网   2013-03-29【

  1. Why do people travel?

  Answer: Travel can bring us a lot. It brings us back to nature, gives us totally relaxation; It brings us different feeling from daily life, gives us fresh mood; and the most important thing is that it brings us plenty of experience, making us more and more knowledgeable.

  2. What are the advantages for people to travel around the world?

  Answer: There are many opportunities to promote exchange between people from different background. It also furthers my knowledge and promotes mutual understanding between cultures. In addition to this, it expands my scope of knowledge and enriches my life.

  3. What do you enjoy about traveling?

  Answer: Meeting the friend, trying the foods, and learning of the history of each place. When a person tells me of something they are really proud of in their country I feel honored that they shared this with me.

  4. Which place do you want to go in China? Why?

  Answer: I want to go Tibet, because Tibet is very mysterious to me, I want to feel the magic of nature, challenging myself limits and comprehend the mystery of religion.

  5. Which place do you want to go in the world? Why?

  Answer: Indonesia, Bali Island. Because the Bali island is a very beautiful place. There is too much delicious food. and the most important reason is Bali island Witness my Honeymoon travel. I have a different feeling there.

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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