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考试网  [ 2017年3月20日 ] 【

  目标成本法 Target Costing



  Target costing is an attempt to achieve an acceptable margin in a situation where the price of a product is determined externally by the market. This acceptable margin is achieved by identifying ways to reduce the costs of producing the product.


  1. 通过研究市场,确定产品的市场接受度,考虑市场份额;

  Determine the price the market will accept for the product, based on market research. This may take into account the market share required.

  2. 从价格中扣除必要的利润率,以得到目标成本;

  Deduct a required profit margin from this price—this gives the target cost.

  3. 预估产品的实际成本。如果是一个新产品,预估成本将是一个估价;

  Estimate the actual cost of the product. If it is a new product, this will be an estimate.

  4. 设法缩小产品的实际成本和目标成本差距 。

  Identify ways to narrow the gap between the actual cost of the product and the target cost.


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