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考试网  [ 2017年2月3日 ] 【

  P (495)process costing 分步成本计算

  P (496)process time 加工时间

  P (497)product cost 产品成本

  P (498)Product life cycle 产品寿命周期

  P (499)production cost 生产成本

  P (500)production cost of sales 售货成本

  P (501)production volume ratio 生产业务量比率

  P (502)profit center 利润中心

  P (503)profit per employee 每员工利润

  P (504)profit retained for the year 年度利润留存

  P (505)profit to turnover ratio 利润对营业额比率

  P (506)profit-volume graph 利量图

  P (507)profitability index 盈利指数

  P (508)programming 规划

  P (509)project evaluation and review technique 项目评审法

  P (510)projection 预计

  P (511)promissory note 本票

  P (512)prospectus 募债说明书

  P (513)provisions for liabilities and charges 偿债和费用准备

  P (514)prudent concept 稳健性概念

  P (515)public company 公开公司

  P (516)purchase order 订购单

  P (517)purchase requisition 请购单

  P (518)purchase ledger 采购帐户

  Q (519)quality related costs 质量有关成本

  Q (520)queuing time 排队时间

  R (521)rate 率

  R (522)ratio 比率

  R (523)ration pyramid 比率金字塔

  R (524)raw material 原材料

  R (525)receipts and payments account 收入和支付报表

  R (526)receivable ledger 应收款项帐户

  R (527)redeemable shares 可赎回股份

  R (528)redemption 赎回

  R (529)registered share capital 注册资本

  R (530)rejects 废品

  R (531)relevancy concept 相关性概念

  R (532)relevant costs 相关成本

  R (533)relevant range 相关范围

  R (534)reliability concept 可靠性概念

  R (535)replacement price 重置价格

  R (536)report 报表

  R (537)reporting 报告

  R (538)research cost, applied 应用性研究成本

  R (539)research cost, pure or basic 理论或基础研究成本

  R (540)reserves 留存收益

  R (541)residual income 剩余收益

  R (542)responsibility center 责任中心

  R (543)retention money 保留款额

  R (544)return on capital employed 运用资本报酬率

  R (545)returns 退回

  R (546)revenue 收入

  R (547)revenue center 收入中心

  R (548)revenue expenditure 收益支出

  R (549)revenue investment 收入性投资

  R (550)right issue 认股权发行

  R (551)rolling budget 滚动预算

  R (552)rolling forecast 滚动预测

  S (553)sales ledger 销售分类帐

  S (554)sales order 销售定单

  S (555)sales per employee 每员工销售额

  S (556)scrap 废料

  S (557)scrip issue 红股发行

  S (558)secured creditors 有担保的债权人

  S (559)segmental reporting 分部报告

  S (560)selling cost 销售成本

  S (561)semi-fixed cost 半固定成本

  S (562)semi-variable cost 半变动成本

  S (563)sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析

  S (564)service cost center 服务成本中心

  S (565)service costing 服务成本计算

  S (566)set-up time 安装时间

  S (567)shadow prices 影子价格

  S (568)share 股票

  S (569)share capital 股份资本

  S (570)share option scheme 购股权证方案

  S (571)share premium 股票溢价

  S (572)sight draft 即期汇票

  S (573)single-entry book-keeping 单式薄记

  S (574)sinking fund 偿债基金

  S (575)slack time 松驰时间

  S (576)social responsibility cost 社会责任成本

  S (577)sole trader 独资经营者

  S (578)source and application of funds statement 资金来源和运用表

  S (579)special order costing 特殊定单成本计算

  S (580)staff costs 职工成本

  S (581)standard 标准

  S (582)standard accounting practice 标准会计实务

  S (583)standard cost 标准成本

  S (584)standard costing 标准成本计算

  S (585)standard direct labour cost 标准直接人工

  S (586)standard hour 标准小时

  S (587)standard minute 标准分钟

  S (588)standard performace-labour 标准人工业绩

  S (589)standard time 标准时间

  S (590)standard order 经常性定单

  S (591)statement of account 营业帐单

  S (592)statement of affairs 财务状况表

  S (593)statutory body 法定实体

  S (594)stock 存货

  S (595)stock control 存货控制

  S (596)stock turnover 存货周转率

  S (597)stocktaking 盘点存货

  S (598)stores requisition 领料申请单

  S (599)strategic business unit 战略性经营单位

  P (495)process costing 分步成本计算

  P (496)process time 加工时间

  P (497)product cost 产品成本

  P (498)Product life cycle 产品寿命周期

  P (499)production cost 生产成本

  P (500)production cost of sales 售货成本

  P (501)production volume ratio 生产业务量比率

  P (502)profit center 利润中心

  P (503)profit per employee 每员工利润

  P (504)profit retained for the year 年度利润留存

  P (505)profit to turnover ratio 利润对营业额比率

  P (506)profit-volume graph 利量图

  P (507)profitability index 盈利指数

  P (508)programming 规划

  P (509)project evaluation and review technique 项目评审法

  P (510)projection 预计

  P (511)promissory note 本票

  P (512)prospectus 募债说明书

  P (513)provisions for liabilities and charges 偿债和费用准备

  P (514)prudent concept 稳健性概念

  P (515)public company 公开公司

  P (516)purchase order 订购单

  P (517)purchase requisition 请购单

  P (518)purchase ledger 采购帐户

  Q (519)quality related costs 质量有关成本

  Q (520)queuing time 排队时间

  R (521)rate 率

  R (522)ratio 比率

  R (523)ration pyramid 比率金字塔

  R (524)raw material 原材料

  R (525)receipts and payments account 收入和支付报表

  R (526)receivable ledger 应收款项帐户

  R (527)redeemable shares 可赎回股份

  R (528)redemption 赎回

  R (529)registered share capital 注册资本

  R (530)rejects 废品

  R (531)relevancy concept 相关性概念

  R (532)relevant costs 相关成本

  R (533)relevant range 相关范围

  R (534)reliability concept 可靠性概念

  R (535)replacement price 重置价格

  R (536)report 报表

  R (537)reporting 报告

  R (538)research cost, applied 应用性研究成本

  R (539)research cost, pure or basic 理论或基础研究成本

  R (540)reserves 留存收益

  R (541)residual income 剩余收益

  R (542)responsibility center 责任中心

  R (543)retention money 保留款额

  R (544)return on capital employed 运用资本报酬率

  R (545)returns 退回

  R (546)revenue 收入

  R (547)revenue center 收入中心

  R (548)revenue expenditure 收益支出

  R (549)revenue investment 收入性投资

  R (550)right issue 认股权发行

  R (551)rolling budget 滚动预算

  R (552)rolling forecast 滚动预测

  S (553)sales ledger 销售分类帐

  S (554)sales order 销售定单

  S (555)sales per employee 每员工销售额

  S (556)scrap 废料

  S (557)scrip issue 红股发行

  S (558)secured creditors 有担保的债权人

  S (559)segmental reporting 分部报告

  S (560)selling cost 销售成本

  S (561)semi-fixed cost 半固定成本

  S (562)semi-variable cost 半变动成本

  S (563)sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析

  S (564)service cost center 服务成本中心

  S (565)service costing 服务成本计算

  S (566)set-up time 安装时间

  S (567)shadow prices 影子价格

  S (568)share 股票

  S (569)share capital 股份资本

  S (570)share option scheme 购股权证方案

  S (571)share premium 股票溢价

  S (572)sight draft 即期汇票

  S (573)single-entry book-keeping 单式薄记

  S (574)sinking fund 偿债基金

  S (575)slack time 松驰时间

  S (576)social responsibility cost 社会责任成本

  S (577)sole trader 独资经营者

  S (578)source and application of funds statement 资金来源和运用表

  S (579)special order costing 特殊定单成本计算

  S (580)staff costs 职工成本

  S (581)standard 标准

  S (582)standard accounting practice 标准会计实务

  S (583)standard cost 标准成本

  S (584)standard costing 标准成本计算

  S (585)standard direct labour cost 标准直接人工

  S (586)standard hour 标准小时

  S (587)standard minute 标准分钟

  S (588)standard performace-labour 标准人工业绩

  S (589)standard time 标准时间

  S (590)standard order 经常性定单

  S (591)statement of account 营业帐单

  S (592)statement of affairs 财务状况表

  S (593)statutory body 法定实体

  S (594)stock 存货

  S (595)stock control 存货控制

  S (596)stock turnover 存货周转率

  S (597)stocktaking 盘点存货

  S (598)stores requisition 领料申请单

  S (599)strategic business unit 战略性经营单位

  S (600)strategic management accounting 战略管理会计

  S (601)strategic planning 战略计划

  S (602)strategy 战略

  S (603)subjective classification 主体分类

  S (604)subscribed share capital 已认购的股本

  S (605)subsidiary undertaking 子公司

  S (606)sunk cost 沉没成本

  S (607)supply estimate 预算估计

  S (608)supply expenditure 预算支出

  S (609)suspense account 暂记帐户

  S (610)SWOT analysis 长处和短处,

  S (600)strategic management accounting 战略管理会计

  S (601)strategic planning 战略计划

  S (602)strategy 战略

  S (603)subjective classification 主体分类

  S (604)subscribed share capital 已认购的股本

  S (605)subsidiary undertaking 子公司

  S (606)sunk cost 沉没成本

  S (607)supply estimate 预算估计

  S (608)supply expenditure 预算支出

  S (609)suspense account 暂记帐户

  S (610)SWOT analysis 长处和短处,

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