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考试网  [ 2017年6月19日 ] 【

  Question:The ACCA's Code of Ethics and Conduct deals with which of the following issues?

  A. Integrity, objectivity and independence, confidentiality, conflicts of interest.

  B. The qualifications of persons appointed as finance directors to listed companies.

  C. Threats to the independence and objectivity of auditors.

  D. The academic qualifications of persons seeking to become student members of the ACCA.

  E. The provision of other services to audit clients.

  The correct answers are: Integrity, objectivity and independence, confidentiality, conflicts of interest; Threats to the independence and objectivity of auditors; The provision of other services to audit clients.

  The ACCA's Code of Ethics and Conduct does not deal with the qualifications of persons appointed as finance directors to listed companies (the ACCA's Rulebook does not deal with this issue at all except to the extent that in general, members should not take on work which they are not competent to perform). Nor does it deal with the academic qualifications of persons seeking to become student members of the ACCA - this is dealt with in legislation and other ACCA regulations.

  Question:Which of the following statements are true in respect of the responsibilities of internal and external auditors?

  Internal and external auditors:

  A. Must be independent of the company.

  B. Owe a duty of confidentiality to the company.

  C. Are both accountable to the shareholders of the company.

  D. Should be competent to perform their work.

  E. Are both accountable to the management of the company.

  The correct answers are: Should be competent to perform their work; Owe a duty of confidentiality to the company.

  Internal auditors are accountable to the management of the company, external auditors are accountable to the shareholders of the company. External auditors must be independent of the company reported on, and whilst internal auditors should be independent of the functions that they report on within the company, they cannot be independent of the company itself.

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