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考试网  [ 2017年4月1日 ] 【

  Question:When a company follows the rational model of strategic planning, the internal and external appraisals will be brought together in a SWOT analysis. This may lead directly to the emergence of a variety of strategies.

  Which two techniques from the following list will management probably adopt?

  A. Major weaknesses and opportunities can be developed into strategies.

  B. Major strengths and profitable opportunities can be exploited.

  C. Major weaknesses and strengths will be identified to find alternative strategies.

  D. Major weaknesses and threats should be countered.

  E. Major strengths and threats can be exploited.

  The correct answers are: Major weaknesses and threats should be countered; Major strengths and profitable opportunities can be exploited.

  解析:Major strengths and profitable opportunities can be exploited, especially if strengths and opportunities are matched with each other. Similarly, major weaknesses and threats can be countered and a contingency or corrective strategy developed.

  The other three possibilities have problems. The organisation would want to avoid threats, even if it has similar strengths, since a head-on conflict would be both risky and expensive. Nor would it want to develop major weaknesses in order to exploit opportunities, for similar reasons. Identifying strengths and weaknesses is part of analysis and not in itself capable of indicating suitable strategies.

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